Chapter 1

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Shanes POV

"Lisa!" I called from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" She said.

I need to tell her something. I just don't know how to say it. It has been bottled up inside of me for too long, I just need to tell her how I really feel.

We need to break up.

"Can you come here for a second?" I ask not ready for what I am about to say.

I see Lisa emerge from the office and stand there. She is obviously pissed off at something. By the way she won't look at me, and her body language said 'what do you want? You're wasting my time.' She was leaning one hand on the counter and one on her hip. "Yes Shane?" She asks.

"Well, Umm...I need to tell you something important."

"Can you do it later. I am really busy right now." She says.

"But if I tell you later...I don't know if I can tell you later." I looked to the ground.

"Shane I need to-"

"Please just listen."

She walked away. That's nice. She's nice.

What a bitch.

She has been this way for a long time.


That's one reason I want to break up. Because she is bitchy, moody, and gets drunk. And sometimes she hurts me when I say I don't want to have sex. (When she is drunk of course)


"Lisa? What are you doing?" She's drunk. Again. She just walked through the front door, and sat on my lap.

"I want you Shane." She said as she rubbed up and down my leg.

"Lisa. I said not now." she wouldn't stop.

"Please Shaney Bear. For me." She said as she started kissing my neck.

"No. And why are you drunk? Who brought you home?" I said as I pushed her off me, but she just got back on.

She started kissing my neck again and mumbled out "I went to a party. I had a few drinks. Don't worry about it." She said and started kissing my neck again.

"Lisa I-" I got cut off by a pair of lips slamming against mine. I pushed her off, but she got right back on. Again. "Let me do this." She mumbled. "I don't want this." I yelled as I pushed her off me.

She punched me.

"Shane. Please. I don't want to be a virgin anymore. And I want you to have mine." She slowly mumbled.

All I could think about was that she punched me. Why would she do that?

"Lisa why did you punch me?" I said holding my face.

"I want you to fuck me!" she yelled. Probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

"I don't want to do that, Lisa. I thought you agreed with me that-"

She slapped me.

"I thought you loved me!" she yelled.

"I thought you would never hurt me. You know I have a bad past with that."

"Shut up Shane. I'm going to bed."

She slapped me one more time before heading off to our room.

I can't sleep with that bitch tonight. I have to stay at someones house. Who should I call?

Well considering its 2 am, my mom would probably be sleeping.

Pain, Love, and Ocassional SufferingWhere stories live. Discover now