Jemma 4

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Her ribs hurt. Two were broken, three were fractured. Same ones as last time. There were several lacerations to her face, and Jemma's left cheekbone had a hairline fracture. Her right shoulder was dislocated, but Lincoln popped it back in. She couldn't decide what hurt the most.

Jemma hated how much pain she caused the team. Lance had a high ankle sprain, and Bobbi's abdomen had to be restitched again. Fitz's arm was broken, same places as it was in the pod all those months ago. Mack had stitches in the back of his head, nasty gash that was. Daisy was fine, the only thing wrong was a little neck soreness from the plane crash.

After being evaluated, Fitz rolled her wheelchair (too drugged to walk straight) down to her room. Well, he tried to roll her. His cast was getting in the way, so he ended up just using his feet to push Jemma a few meters, catch up, and repeat. Jemma laughed the whole way back.

"You wanna know what Coulson told me?" Asked Fitz, gently helping his girlfriend onto her bed.


"He said he was proud of the team. The way we worked together and got through all the things in our way. He was really happy, Jem. It's finally coming together for us all."

"Yeah. Ward is no longer a threat, the whole team is together and relatively healthy. We're gonna be ok."

"Yes, we will. We are."

Laying down beside Jemma, Fitz switched on the television. She curled up into his side, though it was awkward because she was trying to avoid hurting his arm, and he didn't want to hurt her ribs. It was still nice, though.


Jemma woke up about five hours later, though never really recalled falling asleep. Fitz was still to her left, slumbering as she had been. She really didn't want to wake him up, but he was laying right on her busted ribcage.

Electing to sneak out and let Fitz sleep, she struggled out of the sheets and slid her battered legs onto the cold hardwood floor. Her footsteps were heavy, no matter how hard she tried. The drugs weren't all gone. Eventually she reached the door.

The base was quiet. Unusually quiet. Jemma checked her phone. It was 4 in the morning.

She wasn't going to get back to bed anytime soon, so Jemma plodded to the kitchen to make herself from tea. More alert now, her foot fall was not as loud.

The earl grey tea didn't take long to make, so when it was done she decided to wander the base, mug in hand. Maybe she would get some more pain meds as well. Hers had worn off.

She slinked through the hallways, trying to avoid the bunks as best she could, but it was hard to tell were she was due to the lack of light.

Simmons found herself in the common room after a wrong turn, and saw she was not alone. Bobbi and Hunter were laying together on the couch, a mess of arms and legs. They looked so young, strewn all over the place, not caring about kidnapped teammates, or missions, or anything else. They were peaceful. She wasn't.

Backing away, she decided to check out the gym. This was normally the time May did tai-chi. Not that Simmons would join her, but the familiarity of it was welcome.

She'd guessed correctly, as May was on a yoga mat, practicing, perfecting. Simmons moved on before May saw her.

Fitz was awake and waiting for her when she returned from her pilgrimage. Putting her empty mug on the nightstand, she maneuvered her way back under the covers.

"Where'd you go?" Fitz asked, his voice raspy.

"Around. Saw some of the team."


"Mhm. I guess... I just needed to know everyone was okay."

"They're fine, Jemma. We will be too."

Jemma sighed. "I know. But that's what we said last time I got kidnapped."

"Ward isn't going to be a problem anymore."

"I know."

"Then what's your issue, Jemma?"

"I just... I felt so helpless. Everyone else could've gotten themselves away from Ward. Everyone else can plan, or fight, or make gadgets, and I'm just Jemma."

"Yeah, but you're my Jemma. And stop with this guilt complex. You're not a burden, or helpless. You are wanted, and needed. Specifically by me, and also everyone else. We all love you."

"I love you, Fitz."

Fitz kissed her lightly, avoiding her injured cheekbone.

"I love you too."

That chapter felt really weird. Oh well. I liked dealing with Jemma's MASSIVE guilt complex.

That's probably the last chapter, maybe an epilogue. Thanks for reading!!

Comments are my favorite thing ever btw ;)


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