Fitz 3

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Fitz hated swimming. He had never been fond of it as a kid, and ever since his whole hypoxia ordeal, he was even less keen on bodies of water. However, he didn't have a choice this time. Fitz and his teammates had to get out of the water as soon as possible or they would all be dead.

Mack, Daisy, himself, and Hunter all unbuckled themselves without much problem. He, Mack, and Daisy went to get the cargo door open, while Hunter grabbed an unconscious Bobbi. Mack found the release switch, and the trio exited with Hunter and Bobbi close behind. Luckily, the Quinjet wasn't too far sunken yet, and the swim up to the surface wasn't long. Fitz was happy about this, as his lungs were beginning to burn, and he was starting to panic.

On dry land now, the small team checked the damage on themselves. Bobbi took the brunt of the impact being in the cockpit, and she had a large gash on her head to prove it. In addition to her bloody head, her left elbow didn't look too good.

Daisy was mostly fine, just bruises here and there.

Mack was bleeding on the back of his head, probably slamming it on his seat when the jet hit the water.

Hunter looked okay, but walked with a limp. He wouldn't let anyone check it out.

Fitz didn't notice before, but his arm hurt in the exact two places he broke it in 2nd grade and in the pod in the ocean. It was most likely broken this time as well.

"Okay," Daisy starting, breaking icy silence, "what do we do now?"

Hunter answered. "We need to move. Now."

"Yeah, but where to? Do we even know where the base is now?" Mack added.

"Good point. I bet Bobbi knows." Hunter wiped a few stray hairs from her face. "C'mon Bob... Wake up."

"Are anyone's comms still up? Mine are fried from the water." Daisy mused.

Fitz checked his earpiece. "Nope, all static." He regretted not grabbing his bag from the plane, but luckily, Mack grabbed his own.

"Alright, Turbo," Mack said, passing over his pack, "anything you can work with in there?"

He mulled over the contents. "No.. Not really. Sorry."

Sighing lightly, Mack took back the bag and joined Daisy standing.

"We've got to get moving." Daisy commented, looking tensely into the woods surrounding the lake.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Should I just carry Bobbi?" Hunter questioned, beginning to pick her up.

"That'd probably be best." Mack added, trying to dry off his pistol the best he could.

Hunter nodded and handed his bag to Daisy, then slung Bobbi over his shoulder. He nodded in approval, and the team took as into the trees at an almost running pace.

"Okay, before we landed, the base was about 8 minutes away to the north." Fitz said in between breaths. He wasn't really a runner.

"So, which way is north?" Daisy asked.

"I'm not sure. Anyone got a compass?"

"I do." Mack supplied, rummaging through his bag.

"Here it is." He handed the little device to Fitz, zipped up his pack again, and kept jogging.

"Thank you."

Fitz slowed for a second while he attempted to concentrate on the directions.

"Okay. Okay, true north is that way." He pointed to the right of the way they were currently running. "Should take us about 35 minutes if we keep up this pace."

Everyone nodded back to him or replied with some version of 'okay'. Well, everyone except Bobbi, who was sort of awake now, but disoriented and probably concussed. Hunter carried her for a bit longer until she got her bearings straight. After that, she ran on her own for the most part.


Just as Fitz had said, they reached the compound in the time frame he had allotted

Hunter, perceptive as ever, asked "What do we do now?"

"Well," Mack began, ducking down to avoid search lights, "we make a plan, then execute it."

"What's the plan?" Daisy asked, clearly becoming impatient.

"Shh. I'm thinking." Mack took a moment to gather his thoughts, then spoke. "Okay, you see those six guards outside? The ones by all the vans? We take them out quietly, and get their weapons. Hunter and Bobbi, you hot-wire a van and have it waiting at the south entrance. Me, Fitz, and Daisy will find Jemma as quickly and quietly as we can, and meet you at the exit. If we're not back in 15 minutes, come looking for us. Got it?"

The team nodded back.

"Alright," Mack said, cracking his knuckles, "let's do this."

More action next chapter!

Also, I will be unable to watch this week's episode, so the review will be a bit delayed. Pleaseee don't spoil it.

Big thanks to @JessLovesPTX for helping me out of writer's block, and everyone else for reading, voting, and commenting!


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