Daisy 2

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It didn't take long for a skirmish to break out. Daisy was just happy that the Hydra agents didn't start shooting as soon as the team came into view. They had a bit of time to hide behind a few stray bushes and trees before Hydra and Shield alike started firing.

"Try to avoid damaging the van," Bobbi said. "It's our only transport."

Hunter grunted as a bullet narrowly missed his left ear. "If we're gonna take out those Hydra agents, there's no way we can avoid hitting the van, love."

Mack made sure Jemma was safely propped up on a tree before firing his pistol at his foes. "We've gotta move closer."

Though she didn't like the idea, Daisy agreed. She couldn't use her powers from this distance without taking out their only chance at getting back to the base.

"I'm gonna flank around the right side." Daisy announced.

Hunter rolled out from behind his tree and stood by her side, indicating he would join.

It seemed they had the same plan, as Daisy snuck around the right bumper and provided a distraction. When the 3 Hydra agents starting firing at her, she blocked the bullets and Hunter took them out from behind her.

Bobbi, Mack, and Fitz took out the other 4 or five attackers with ease, as they were confused as to what happened to their fallen comrades.

Finally safe, Fitz and Hunter filled the van back up with precious fuel. Mack placed Jemma gently in the rear compartment. The rest of the team piled in, and Hunter resumed driving.

Tired from running for fuel and their skirmish, most of the crew took a nap to pass the time. Daisy tried to resist the urge to fall victim to sleep, as she wanted to be awake in case Jemma woke, but it was no use. It had been a long day, after all...


Voices woke after who knows how long. Her neck hurt from her head being lolled over to one side, and her legs aches from their awkward position. Despite all of this, she didn't move. Fitz and Simmons were the ones talking. She figured they had a lot to work out, and tried not to interrupt them.

"Bloody hell, Fitz, that's the second time." That was Jemma talking.

She heard Fitz shift. "Second time of what?"

"Of me getting myself kidnapped."

"Jems, don't you dare blame yourself for this. It's all Ward's fault, all of it."

"Yeah, I know. But everyone had to put their lives on the line again. Is everyone okay, by the way?"

Daisy heard Fitz kiss Jemma on top of the head. "Most of us are good, but Bobbi got shot twice in the raid. She had to stitch herself back up. Hunter hurt his ankle, but he won't let any of us look at it. Stubborn."

Daisy was glad that the van compartments weren't adjoining, or Lance would've strongly objected.

Fitz continued. "I think the rest of us are okay. Mack did cut his head but other than that we're alright. You should be worried about yourself." Daisy noted that Fitz didn't tell her about his arm.

"I'm fine, Fitz. Ward went soft on me." She was an awful liar.

"Yeah, I know he didn't. We're getting you checked out later."

Daisy heard a sigh, probably from Jemma, and the pair shifting. Probably just trying to get comfortable without hurting either of them. They were silent for a bit, until Jemma spoke up.

"Thank you, by the way. For finding me."

"What else was I gonna do?"

"I suppose you could have left me there. Or just let Ward kill me."

"Then what kind of boyfriend would I be, Jemma?"

Jemma laughed lightly. She was tired, Daisy could hear it.

"Fitz," She started. Her voice was small. "I'm so tired."

"I know, Jem. Just go to sleep. Just go to sleep."

"Everytime I try to, I see his face. It never goes away."

"Of Ward? He's- he's dead, Jemma, I-"

"No, no," She cut him off. "Will."

"Will?" Was the only word Fitz managed.

"Ward killed him. Put a bullet through his brain right in front of me."

"I'm so sorry, Jemma."

Fitzsimmons' conversation stopped at that. Daisy opened her eyes a few moments later, and saw Jemma asleep on Fitz's shoulder. Fitz, also asleep, had his head resting on hers. The rest of the ride to the base was serene.

Weird ending place, but oh well.

IM SEEING CIVIL WAR TOMORROW!! I'm so excited it's been like 2 years since Winter Soldier.

All your kind comments mean more to me than you know.


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