Fitz 2

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It took three days to find Ward's base. Fitz had found the location of his transport, but not the stronghold itself. However, after hours of looking, Fitz finally found it. The compound was large, probably an old military base. He was currently in the process of gearing up for the extraction operation, along with the rest of the team.

Putting a pistol in his holster felt odd, out of place. He belonged in a lab, not the field. The field is where the dirty stuff happens.

"Don't worry, Simmons," he sighed, "we're coming for you."

"Fitz. Good, you're ready. Bobbi has the Quinjet ready. Mack, Hunter, and Daisy are already suited up. They're waiting." Coulson explained, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, sir." Fitz turned to leave, heading toward the airplane hangar.

"You're welcome. And Fitz?"

He looked back. "Yes?"

"Good luck."

Nodding in acknowledgement, the engineer turned on his heels and left.

Fitz was nervous about only five people going on the operation, but Coulson was busy looking for new bases (with May's help), and Lincoln still couldn't be fully trusted in the field. Those five agents were all the were available. And after all, they were going for stealth, not total destruction.

Clutching his bag close, he scaled the short ramp onto the small jet and greeted his teammates with a series of nods and smiles.

"Don't worry, Fitz. We'll get her back." Daisy said softly, trying to soothe his obviously tense nerves.

He smiled back sadly, and buckled himself into a seat in between Mack and Hunter.

The agents were quiet as Bobbi lifted the plane off the ground and got them comfortably in the air.

"So.. What's the plan?" Inquired Hunter, "I mean.. We do have a plan, right?"

"Of course we do," Fitz scoffed, "get Jemma back."

"Thank you, Fitz. How are we gonna do that?"

"When we get close, we switch the Quinjet's cloaking on, scope out the compound for a night, get a real plan then, and attack the next morning." Mack explained.

Fitz was not too keen on this new plan. "Wait a whole night?! Jemma might not have that kind of time. We need to go in as soon as we land."

Daisy spoke now. "Fitz, I know you want Simmons back as soon as possible. So do we, and this is the best way to do that."

Lance patted his shoulder. "Don't worry mate, we'll get her back. She survived Ward once. She can do it again."

Resting his head on the back of his seat, the young engineer tried to sleep, but he was so anxious and worried that he couldn't. Even after he heard his three comrades not piloting the jet fall asleep, Fitz couldn't shut his eyes for more than a second. He settled on strategizing what they could possibly do to infiltrate the compound until Bobbi started cussing from the cockpit.

"Bobbi," he called softly, trying not to wake his partners, "what's going on?"

"The cloaking device- it's not working. If were spotted anywhere close to Ward's base we're gonna get shot down."

Fitz had not succeeded in not waking the others, as Hunter has raised his head and had an eyebrow quirked in confusion.

"Bob? What's goin on?"

Daisy and Mack now woke as well, though Mack seemed much more alert.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard on the left side of the jet.

"We're hit!" Bobbi yelled into her headset, struggling to control the plane.

"Guess we're close." Daisy commented, eating a small laugh from Hunter and an odd look from Mack.

As Bobbi started to emergency-land the plane, a bigger explosion rocked the Quinjet. Had the team not been strapped in, they would've been slammed to the other side of the cargo hold.

"Mayday, mayday! We're going down!" Bobbi screamed through the chaos that was happening. She then turned to her extremely concerned team. "Guys, brace yourselves, it's going to get bumpy."

"Kinda like our marriage." Hunter said under his breath. Daisy had to cough to cover her laughter.

"Okay, I've found a small lake to land us in. Once we're in the water, we need to get as far away from it as possible. Ward's people will be looking for us and it will not be pretty if they catch us."

Everyone nodded. Bobbi stayed eerily silent after that, probably to concentrate on landing.

Bobbi didn't give a signal as to when the plane was getting close to touching down, but she didn't need to. Everyone felt it as they got lower and lower, and the explosions got bigger. They knew they were close.

Daisy unconsciously intertwined her hand with Mack's, and Mack did the same to Hunter. Soon, everyone was clutching hands for dear life.

"I'm so sorry Jemma." Was the last thing Fitz said before the world went dark and he couldn't breathe.

Was that boring? I hope it wasn't. More to come.

Thank you all for the kind comments that come in every time I post a chapter. They mean a lot to me!

Oh, and I got in the local newspaper for soccer, so that was cool!


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