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Jemma woke up just as Ward was hanging up the phone. Her head wasn't covered this time, though her hands were bound so tight that she couldn't even feel them.

"Hey there Simmons," Ward said menacingly, "Ready for round two?"

Jemma ignored him, flinging out her own question. "Who were you on the phone with?"

"Oh, no one special. Don't worry about it, babe."

"Don't call me that."

"You might not want to make me mad. This time will be much, much worse for you anyway. Don't add to it."

"Can I ask you a question?" Jemma inquired.

"Sure. It better be good."

"Why'd you take me again? What's the point this time? I mean, if you wanted revenge, you could've just killed me or Fitz back at the base. Why not do that?"

"Jem, that was like, three questions. But, to answer them, I took you because there's someone who really wanted to see you. And don't worry about the killing thing. We'll get to that."

She didn't have any more questions now. Squirming, she tried to regain some feeling in her hands, but it was useless. Whatever Ward had used this time was much stronger.

Also different was their transportation. Jemma concluded it was an 18-wheeler, as opposed to a van. The big rig was intimidating and enormous, while the van was somehow cozy with its closed-in walls.

Jemma rode the rest of the way in silence, not wanting to ignite Ward's rage more than it already was.

This new base was much farther than last time. Previously, it had only taken seven hours to get to the last stronghold, while it had been at least ten this time around. She had never had to pee more in her entire life. Ward had been allowed to, but Jemma just had to suffer through.

"Ward, can I please have a bathroom break?" Begging was something she didn't want to resort to, but now she had no choice.

"Hold it for one more hour, please. We're almost there."

That was the longest hour of her life. Longer than even middle school gym, which she thought could never be topped. But finally, finally, the rig came to a screeching halt.

Struggling to get up, Jemma tried to push herself up on the wall, but Ward grabbed her arm, pulled her up, and pushed her out of the back. Her right shoulder and head took the worst of it. She could feel her head bleeding already. Ward really wasn't joking. This was going to be much, much worst.

Grant Ward jumped out after her. Instead of helping her up, though, he pulled her bound hands over her head and drug her into the compound.

Once inside, Ward picked her up and set her on her feet. She got her bearings straight and trailed Ward to what she presumed was her cell. She was correct in her presumption, and stepped inside with no protest when Ward opened the door. He took off her restraints and closed her up. First, she ran to the toilet. She didn't care that Ward was still standing there.

"Hey, be ready in 10 minutes. It's time for you to meet that someone I was tasking about."

She did as she was told, more curious than courageous at the moment. In ten minutes, Ward appeared again. Taking Jemma by the wrist, he led her through countless hallways until they reached a room with a plaque that said 'Daniels, W.'

"Get ready." Ward said, opening the door.

Inside, Jemma Simmons saw someone she thought she'd never see again. She was speechless, but conjured up one little word.



I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I had my first two soccer games. They went great. I hope you like this chapter.

3 days till aos returns!!!

All feedback is read and greatly appreciated!!!!


Revenge (Sequel to Cursed) // FitzsimmonsWhere stories live. Discover now