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If she was completely honest all the time, she would tell Mack that his plan was crazy and it would probably get them all killed. Fortunately, she was not brutally honest 100% of the time. This plan was the best chance they had of getting Jemma, no matter how poorly thought out it was.

With Mack taking point, the trio made their way through a cramped corridor. Daisy was both surprised and happy that no alarms had gone off. One would think that shooting a doorknob off an iron entrance would be cause for alarm, but so far so good. Daisy decided to voice this.

"Man, we're doing pretty well. No alarms or any-"

She was cut off by an alarm. Of course she was. Daisy swore she was the unluckiest person on the planet. Red lights flashed from the walls, and blaring horns were going off at every turn.

Daisy mentally chided herself for jinxing the mission, and jogged to keep up with Mack's quickened pace. They took another right and heard gunshots from outside.

"Bobbi and Hunter." Mack whispered.

"We need to hurry." Fitz stated, now sprinting down the hall. His teammates followed, and took out two guards that tried to stop them.

Four more Hydra goons appeared, and went down at the hands of the team. After all that action, Fitz needed a break. He put his hands on his knees and leaned back on the wall, needing just a few seconds. However, when his upper back touched down, it was on a plaque. Hoping it was for Jemma, he turned around to see what it said.

"Daniels, Will." He said, causing Mack and Daisy to turn and look with him.

"That's... That's the space boyfriend, right?" Daisy asked, looking at Fitz.

"Yeah. Earth boyfriend isn't too fond of him, but he knows Jemma." He hoped Will would at least try to help Simmons, whether he was Hydra or not.

Mack and Daisy apparently left him to his thoughts, and their pistols firing brought him out of his trance.

"C'mon, Turbo. The cells are this way."

Mack took hold of his arm and drug him down a wider hall. No guards were in sight, but Fitz didn't realize that was suspicious until later. Mack and Daisy cleared the front half of rooms, finding nothing, getting frustrated.

The alarm finally shut off.

"Oh, thank God." Daisy said a bit too loudly.

Mack shushed her and the team cleared room after room. They were down to only two and their hopes that Simmons was alive were getting low.

"C'mon, this has gotta be it, please let this be it..." Mack prayed, raising his pistol.

Daisy and Fitz mirrored the much taller companion, lifting their own guns. In hind sight, Daisy probably could have done more damage without her gun. She made the mental note for later.

Despite their confidence, this room was empty, just like the rest. There was only one now. It had to be the one.

Fitz, Mack, and Daisy repeated their process. Mack took slow, easy steps toward the door, his counterparts behind him. Leaning on the wall just left of the doorframe, Mack took one more deep breath, and charged in.

Daisy would've preferred if the room was empty as opposed to what was there.

Jemma, bloody and bruised, was unconscious and laying on Ward. He was sitting up against the wall on the bed, Jemma's head on his left leg. Will's body lay on the bed opposite them. Daisy thought he was sleeping at first, but then saw the bullet wound in the center of his forehead. Ward killed him. And Jemma watched.

"Shh... You'll wake her," Ward purred, "and I just got her to sleep."

The trio pointed their guns at their former teammate, intending on shooting him, until Ward pulled out his own gun and held it to Simmons' right temple.

"Put your guns down, or I'll kill her."

"You wouldn't dare." Daisy challenged, inching closer.

"Oh, I would. You know I would. But put down your guns and that won't happen."

No one moved.

Ward became more aggressive. His jaw tightened, and the barrel pressed further into Jemma.

"Alright. You've got 5 seconds. Put them down, or she dies."

The team knew they wouldn't get another chance at escape. This was it.


No guns moved.




Daisy's eyes narrowed. It was now or never.




A shot went off. Ward was dead with a shot to the head, and Fitz held the smoking gun.

That was kind of intense....
Anyway, thank you all for reading!
Thanks for commenting!
Sorry my chapter updates are so spastic.

All feedback welcomed!


Revenge (Sequel to Cursed) // FitzsimmonsWhere stories live. Discover now