Chapter 27

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hey hey









This is a very sad chapter.

The song going through my head while I wrote this


and yeah. I cried while I wrote it.

I love you guys. You rock. Don't ever let anyone tell you diffrent.

Because just for exsiting you've made my world so much brighter.

Thank you.











You know that moment?

That one moment everything seems to just go horribly wrong and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it, because it's happening in slow motion but your going even slower? Because it's so painful your crying as it happens?

Yeah this one of those moments.

One of those moments when the rain starts to come down, but you can't see it becuase your thick tears and screaming make you so blind you couldn't even if you tried?

This is one of those too.

That moment you knew it was going to happen, honestly knew, but you were hoping to dear god it wouldn't?


One of those moments that seems to last forever as you watch them fall. It seems to stretch on for etirnity but there's not enough time to stop it?


One of the sadest moments I'll probably never forget? One that was so sad, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget it?

Of course.

One of the moments you thought you could stop, that you had to stop. But couldn't because you thought it wasn't going to happen?

Very much so.

One of the moments that would replay in your mind for the rest of your life?

Every day.

One of those moments that you allways wondered: what if? What if he lived? What if I had saved him? What if I had gotten there sooner?


One of those moments you would dream about, always one second to late even when you left just a bit earlier?

Definatly one of those moments.

One of those moments you couldn't ever talk to anyone about because it was to painful?

Of course.

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