Chapter 15:

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I update slow or fast. I dunno guys, sorry :/ I just don't know where i want to go with this story and i want to finish it. If you have any ideas just comment/message me and if i pick your idea i'll dedicate it to you :3


Shitshitshitshit. I couldn't feel my legs and everything was swaying. I was in trouble. He burned down the house and probably would of did worse if he found me and Vic in it. We can't stay here or something bad was going to happen. I couldn't go to the cops because honestly i was scared out of my mind. I sat on the bench to ease myself and steady my breathing. Vic and I need to go. Anywhere but here. Somewhere far away. If Vic finds out about he cant find out who did this. I need to protect him at all costs. I lost him once and that is not happening again as long as i have a say in it.

"Kellin!" Vic ran over to me and threw his arms around me, his iron grip robbing me of breath. 

I hugged him and rubbed his back trying to sooth him, "Its okay hon. Its okay."

"What are we going to do!? We have nothing left Kells." His voice cracking.

I pulled back and lifted his chin up. "We have each other Vic. Those were just materials we can replace. I don't know what i would do if you were in there."

We were interrupted when a fire fighter came over to us telling us that the fire is contained and out for now but to wait to see if there is anything that was spared for a few days. 

Me and Vic walked over to the car, just sitting in it for a few minutes. We were still shocked. 

"Vic? How would you feel about moving? Like cities? States? countries?" I raised my eyebrows and placed my pale hand over his tanned one.

His eyes got wide. "Countries? Kells are you sure?"

I gave him a small smile, "Positive. We could fly back to be with our bands and rent an apartment in the city for when we get practices and stuff. Just pick a place and we're there."

Vic got the biggest smile on his face and reached in the glove compartment to pull out a map with the world map on the underside. He got out of the car and laid the map on the ground. I smiled and went out to him as he took a dime out of his pocket and flicking it in the air. The dime flicked a few times in the air before it landed with a Little ding on the ground.

A/N: I have NO idea where i wanna make them move. You guys pick or I'll just make something up from the top of my head.

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