Chapter 14:

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm super super super sorry for the long wait for an update! I've been going through allot and plus moving and transferring school. Between all that i didn't have the time or just not motivated to write. But ill try and make it up to you guys in the following chapters!


The drive out to the spot i picked for our date was about an hour out of town. I was on a high from anticipation and hopefulness that Vic would forgive me. I kept glancing at him every now and then, which was every minute, but he kept his face turned to the window not once looking in my direction. We drove to the mountain side and i parked up at this campers site. It was  getting darker by the minute. I got out and went to the back, pulling out the bag of everything i needed for Vic. He was already out of the car, leaning against the hood with his phone out looking bored. I walked up and he mumbled something about no service. I tried to grab his hand but he pulled away and asked which was to go.

"Follow me." I said with a low tone. I'm trying here. I really am.

He sighed and followed in step a few feet behind me as we walked up the trail. Twenty minutes later and several impatient questions from Vic later and we were right at the spot i planned. It was on a cliff, over looking the city skyline with the orange and red sunset falling behind it. Above our heads a few stars were breaking through the light. i pulled out the blanket and laid it down on the soft tall grass. I sat down and looked up at the man i loved. He was staring up at the sky, his eyes glistening. 

"Vic." I whispered. I reached up and grabbed his hand in mine, in-twining our fingers and pulling him down to sit beside me. He didn't pull away or resist, but simply sat down beside me. We sat in silence and watched the sun set. 

Vic looked at me, his deep brown eyes piercing into my crystal blue ones. "Why Kellin?" His voice cracked. He looked so broken and vulnerable right now. His blank or tough exterior was broken down. 

I caressed his face in my other hand before i spoke, "I was-still am- selfish Vic. I don't know why i did it. I love you with all of my being and I would never ever hurt you again. I don't deserve someone as perfect as you and i understand if you want nothing to do with me but for the time being, until you tell me you hate me and throw me out of your life, i am going to try. I'm going to try every single day, hell every hour, to make it up to you and show you how much you truly mean to me. I want to show you how special you are to me. That's why i brought you out here." I reached into the basket and pulled out a present i've been saving for him. I wanted to wait until we were engaged to give it to him but i think now is the perfect time. I placed the small velvet box in his hand and watched in nervous anticipation as he opened it, his breath coming in sharp. He pulled out the silver chain bracelet of the box, the moonlight gleaming off of the cool metal. 

"I wanted to wait bu-" Vic cut me off as he pulled me into him, wrapping his strong arms around my pale body. 

"Kells I love you." I held him tighter, never wanting to let go of him. Vic. My Vic.

We held each other longer, just enjoying the heartbeats and closeness of one another. We pulled away and i laid down, looking up at the dark sky. Twinkling stars shinning above. Vic laid down next to me and wrapped his arm over my torso, his head snuggling on my shoulder.  "I forgive you Kells."

I turned my head and kissed him. A soft sweet kiss. When we kissed or touched it never failed to erupt butterflies in my stomach. Hell it wasn't butterflies, more like a flock of doves. And that's how we spent the rest of our time there. Laughing, kissing, and enjoying our time together. I really loved him, and i know he loved me too. 

 ~2 hours later~

We drove back home, my hand clasped with Vic's and soft music playing through the speakers. Every few minutes i would glance at Vic and couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face. We were driving on our street when i noticed a bright orange light up ahead. I slowed down as we approached it. But it wasn't some light. It was our house. Vic looked horrified and pulled out his phone to dial 9-1-1. I jumped out to see if i could save anything form the house. All of our photos, instruments, memories that we made. It was too late. I walked around the house in a daze, sirens were heard in the distance. In the backyard under the big tree where we put up a swinging bench was a note fluttering in the wind. I walked over and pulled it free from the tape and read it.

Kellin, I paid you a visit but you weren't home. Lucky you. 

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