Chapter 10:

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Vic had left in the morning to go and visit his family all day. I told him I didn't feel good and wanted to stay home, when honestly I was expecting a visitor. But not for the pervious reasons. I was ending this no matter what today, nothing is going to stop me from being with Vic and Vic alone. The guit has been eating me alive and I just couldn't take  it anymore. I know I'm wrong and have no right to feel bad or scared that Vic will find out and leave me because I did this to myself, but i guess I just have a fucked up personality. I was currently sitting in the living room on the couch staring at the blank tv. I kept glancing at the ticking clock. Right now it was 3:42. They should be here soon. I walked around the house aimlessly for the next 10 minutes until i heard a knock on the door. I opened it and revealed the person I had been waiting for. 

"Kellin. Bad little Kellin. You don't honestly believe that you can just throw me away can you? No no. Is this about your little boyfriend? what was his name again? Vic? oh yes, Vic. Well I have ways I can get rid of him easily so you wont have that distraction anymore." His voice was cold and chilled my body. How dare he threaten Vic. Now he had gone too far. 

"We are done. Whatever this was, it meant nothing. Now leave." I pushed the door closed but his foot stopped it. 

He stepped in the house and grabbed the collar of my shirt, slamming me into the wall causing framed pictures to rattle. "I'm not done with you Quinn." He spat in my face. 

I kicked him as hard as i could in the leg, hoping to delay him some. He groaned but other than that he didn't seem fazed. Just has he raised his fist to punch me the front door opened, revealing a very shocked and angry Vic.

"What the hell!?" He yelled as I was released from the grip. I didn't waste anytime kicking him in the balls and grabbing Vic's hand, pulling him behind me to the car and throwing him in it. I stuck the keys in the ignition and hauled out of there as fast as i could.

"Kellin! What the hell was going on?" Vic yelled.

I shook my head, "We need to talk. But what you saw was nothing."

He looked at me, his eyes still wide. "That didn't look like nothing! You can tell me anything kells. I thought you knew that. What, are you like involved with drugs? gangs?"

I nearly laughed at his comment. "No. It's not like that."

"The tell me! Kellin i love you and you should be able to talk to me no matter what it is!"  He yelled at me. 

"I was cheating on you okay!?" I yelled and slammed my fist down on the steering wheel. 

I saw Vic lean back and put his head against the window. His face was blank, no emotion got through. I gritted my teeth for telling him like that. I wanted to do it calmly and talk it out with him.

"Why? Was I not good enough for you?" His voice was monotoned. "If you weren't happy you should just of left Kellin. Not lead me on."

"That's not what it was! I do love you Vic. So much it hurts." I said quietly. "I don't know why I did it."

"Maybe we're meant to loose the ones we love." Vic quoted one of his own songs. The truthfulness of it rang though the car.

"But I will fight for you till then!" I finished. I know he didn't mean for me to finish the last part, but i did.

"I can't trust you kellin. Not now." He hasn't even looked at me. "I just thought we were so happy together. At least I know that i was with you. You were my everything. Heart and soul. I though about our lives together for the future and for a while I thought you would want to take it that far with me. I fell so in love with you kellin quinn. So in love..." His voice broke and i saw tears streaming down his face.

It broke my heart to hear that. I felt it burst into pieces as i realized how much i truly hurt him. I deserved to loose him after everything i have done. I just don't want to. He doesn't trust me anymore and hell i wouldn't either. If i were him I would reach other and beat the shit out of me, screaming hateful words. But Vic didn't. And that is what scared me the most is how much he wasn't reacting. Right now we were on the other side of town. I knew where to go but i doubt i would be wanted once they found out what i did. I silently pulled up to vic's parent's house and we sat in silence as i turned off the engine.

"Kellin. I don't know why you did it and I don't think i will ever understand. But what i do know is my heart still loves you." he paused.

"So am i forgiven?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Not by a long shot. I still love you, but i hate you so much right now. You hurt and deceived me all to sleep with another man. What was is? Did we not have sex enough? Was it not good enough? You think that sex with him would of been risky and kinky because you did it behind your boyfriends back? Nice. I think it's obvious but as of right now Kellin Quinn, we're done." And he got out of the car, leaving me crying, heartbroken, and guilty of everything he said.

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