Chapter 4:

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I could not for the life of me stop smiling. He likes me too. It was the start of a tour, the start of Vic, and the start of something new. I just wish I could get this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach to go away. Everything was good for me now. Well, except for one thing. My girlfriend. I felt really bad about going behind her back and admitting my feeling to Vic and kissing him. It was not fair for her to be held on when the feelings didn't go both ways between us. I had to fix this. Soon. 

Me and vic were sitting on a wooden bench that overlooked the wide blue ocean. We didn't talk much after we kissed. Mostly we just sat in a comforting silence and would smile like idiots at eachother every few minutes. Neither of us sure of what to do, especially about telling our friends, family, and our fans. Sure most people would support us. But there was always those people who would rather die than see two people of the same sex be together. To me it didn't make sense. Why not just let two people who love eachother be together? 

"Kellin?" Vic's deep voice broke me out of my thoughts. 

I looked over at him, the sun catching every strand of his dark hair, lightening it. The wind blowing it back, exposing his beautiful face. I was lucky. So completly lucky.

"Yes?" I smiled down at him.

He looked concerned, "Are you okay? You seem sad. What's wrong?"

I sighed and turned my body to face him. "I am just thinking about what people would say if they found out. Like not just our family and friends, but what about our fans? How would they react?"

Vic let out a small laugh and grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him. "Kellin. First of all, our fans love the bands. Most wont stop listening to us just because we want to be together. And secondly, I need to show you something. but it is back at my bunk." 

We walked back to the Pierce The Veil bus and made our way to vic's bunk. He pulled out his lap top and sat on the couch in the back. Sitting beside him, he pulled up a web page on tumblr. It was labled Kellic. 

"They write stories or fan fiction about us getting together. I have to hand it to them, they are very creative." Vic laughed.

We spent the next hour reading the stories on the internet. In one story Vic was a demon of lust and I was his sex slave. That one was super graffic and made it uncomfortable to read it with vic. Another one was of me being a Siren. Thses fans sure had a talent writing. Me and Vic laughed uncontrollably when we saw the photoshopped pictures of us together. It was so funny and amazing that I knew a majority of our fans wouldn't care.

my phone buzzed and I unlocked it to see who texted. It was Maddison. Well it was now i guess. 

Hey Kellin! Call me after the show tonight! I miss you <3

I actually need to talk to you. Now would be great if it was fine with you. I texted back.

A minute or so later she called me, her high voice coming through the speaker. 

"Kellin, is everything okay?" She seemed nervous.

"Actually no. Maddie, I feel so bad right now but I am not going to lead you on anymore. It is not fair to you in the slightest bit. I think we should break up. But if you would like, I still want to be your friend. You are an amazing girl and I just want to do you right." I rambled on. It was like I didn't have enough breath to get it out.

I heard Maddie speak a few seconds later, "Its alright Kellin. You are by far the sweetest guy I know and I am thankful for the time I was with you. Of course we can still be friends!"

I was so grateful for her. Now I was problem free, looking at my best friend and guy I had feelings for with all my heart. He was my future. And I couldn't be happier. I leaned down, kissing him over the laptop. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"What the fuck!?" We heard someone yell. Oh shit. It was Mike.


As I was kissing kellin something unexpected happened. The first thing i knew I was kissing the guy of my dreams then i heard my brother's voice break our silence.

"What the fuck!?" I looked up and met his eyes. He had that one look on his face that I dreaded. It wasn't the understanding or happy face I thought he would have when I would tell him. No. It was something so much more. So much worse. it was disgust. Please, anything but that look.

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