Chapter 12

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I went back to LA for a while to work out moving to a different place and getting restraining order on my father. It's harsh to file something against your own father but he shouldn't beat his own child, so I feel no remorse. My new house was small and in a calm area of Los Angeles. Michael facetimed me after I got fully moved in saying he couldn't wait till they came to America so he could see it in person. It was a remotely calm evening the traffic not too busy, everything was just calm and collected. I was in the middle of cooking dinner when my cell phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered sliding my phone between my ear and my shoulder.
"Hey my annoying sack of a girlfriend that I love ever so dearly."
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything but I wanted to tell you that we're boarding the plane to LA and we'll be there in a while."
"Oh great more of you. I'm just kidding but okay have a safe flight."
It was about 10 when I realized I was completely out of contact solution, forcing me to get out of the house. I rolled down the window, the radio softly playing in the background as I cruised down the highway. I noticed bright lights coming towards me and I tried to move off the road but everything went black.

Michael's pov
The boys and I had just arrived at the hotel when my phone started ringing. Luke walked towards me holding my phone but I shook my head no. "I'll call her back in a minute I need to pee," I said walking away. Luke's face went white as he shoved my phone in my hand saying, "you really need to answer this Michael something's not right."
"Hello? Who is this?," I asked picking up.
"Is this Michael?"
"If appears that your girlfriend Rosalie Venzor has been severely injured in a car accident. I can't release much detail but if you can,please get the hospital immediately."
"Uh o-kay I-I-I will"
The call ended and my phone fell to ground as the boys rushed towards me. I could hear them saying my name and asking what happened but I couldn't focus on anything besides her. "We need to go to the hospital now. They said Rosalie's been severely injured in a car wreck," I choked out. Please don't take her away from me.

Rasasvada//MGCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant