Chapter 3

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Michael's pov
Ashton and Luke were arguing about who bought the milk for the coffee while Cal and I were playing Fifa."Dude it's 10:30 shouldn't you go check on Rosalie to make sure she's still alive," Luke said sitting next to me. I let out a grunt acknowledging him but not tearing my eyes away from the screen. "Fine I'll go ch-"
"NO!" I yelled interrupting Ashton. She's my girl I'll go check on her. Okay well she's not really my girl but she's my best friend same difference. "I meant no like I can do it myself. Not because I like her or anything uh I uh um nevermind," I mumble getting embarrassed. Silently opening the door, I found Rosalie cuddling a pillow sound asleep. God she's so beautiful. Her curly carmel colored hair was sprawled all over the pillow. A few curls framed her rosey cheeks making her look 16 instead of 17. I sat down on the bed pushing her hair behind her ear before waking her up. "Rosalie babe it's 10:35 wake up," I whispered gently shaking her. She groaned rolling over peeking at me. I laughed before ripping the sheets off of her and picking her up. "Mikey put me down," she whined putting her head in the crook of my neck. My cheeks started burning as her lips brushed against my shoulder blade. "Take a shower and get ready I want to explore," I said placing her in the bathroom, kissing her cheek and closing the door.

"The beast has awoken," I said sitting down on the couch. The boys all looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" I questioned. Calum looked at Ashton who looked at Luke who looked at me and then looked back at Calum. Ashton whispered something to them which cause Luke to bust out laughing. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY OH MY GOD," I yelled.
"Oh nothing," Ashton said fiddling with his phone, "besides the fact that you totally got jealous of her and Calum last night." My face turned red and I started to panic. "What are you talking about? I wasn't jealous. I was just wondering what they were talking about," I rambled. "So you're sure you weren't jealous about them talking. Sitting close together. Legs touching. So close they could almost ki-" "STOP. STOP IT. FINE I WAS JEALOUS AND YES I LIKE HER! ARE YOU HAPPY? I SAID IT I LIKE ROSALIE AND I WANTED TO THROAT PUNCH CALUM," I yelled reaching my breaking point. An awkward silence floated around the room before Calum spoke, "Take her on a date. There's a pizza place near here but be back before sound check." Rosalie walked in a few seconds later wearing a hat, my leather jacket with a brown shirt, and jeans with converse. "Aye mami," Calum yelled causing me to punch him. Come on Clifford grow a pair. "Let's go," I said grabbing her hand. We held hands until we got into the elevator and she dropped them. "Where are we going?" Rosalie question fixing my jacket. "A place with pizza," I replied nonchalantly. This could technically be considered a date if I said oh hey by the way this is date I really like you please date me, but no I can only dream.

We ordered our pizzas once we got there and Rosalie looked uncomfortable. She was fiddling with my jacket and wouldn't look at me. "Rose what's wrong," I asked but she ignored me. Her cheeks flushed as she frantically texted someone I figured was Calum. Great job Michael you made her uncomfortable. I just need to talk to her and figure out what's wrong. "Hey," I said kicking her foot.
"What Mikey?"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing Mike I'm just nervous," She blushed. We conversed about our pizza and laughed about her choking on her drink and it almost coming out her nose. Her laugh was like a song I could listen to over and over again and never get tired of it. It was in that moment I started to take in her features. The way her hair wouldn't completely straighten. The splatter of freckles across her nose. Her lips were the color of cherries and I only wonder if they tasted like them too. She was still laughing at a joke I said so I took it as the perfect opportunity to take a picture. "Mikey no I look like an egg," she whined catching me. I smiled at her while paying and we walked to the venue for sound check. When we got there I pulled her aside. "You know," I started pushing her hair behind her ear, "that was technically a date" Rosalie blushed nodding her head. I tilted her chin upwards searching her face for any protest before leaning in. "Mike I don't know what to do," she whispered. "Just follow me," I said pushing her hat back. She got on her tiptoes to try and met me halfway. She closed her eyes and I cupped her cheek with my hand bringing her closer. "MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD!"

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