Chapter 2

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The room had a hazy glow to it when I opened my eyes. The light beside the table was off but the light near the tv was turned on. My arms got stuck under the bed sheets I never remember getting under. I glanced at the clock to see it was 3 am and groaned grabbing my phone. Jet lag what a wonderful thing. After checking everything I decided to text Calum to see if he was still awake. I sent a quick hey before rolling back over.My thoughts began haunting me as I remembered what happened. Maybe I should just go home because I'm obviously going to cause trouble. Michael didn't have a reason to be so upset about me texting Calum after all he did introduce me to his friends. My phone let off a ding that brought me out of that internal battle.

Hey Rose. What's wrong
Nothing I can't sleep. Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry.
Chill it's no big deal I was just talking to Michael
You know he isn't mad at you. If he was he wouldn't have tucked you in and turned on the light so you wouldn't panic.
Yeah.. Well I'm mad at him so there
Wait no I'm not
I know you're not. Now come to my room and talk to him. He can't sleep and I don't think you can either.
I can I'm just jet lagged.
Are you suuuuuure? Are you sure it's not the fact that Michael could be with you. Cuddling you. Kissing you.
Thank you (:
So Mikey was the reason I wasn't lying face first on the bed anymore. I contemplated if I should go to Cal's room or stay here and sulk. "God why does he have to be so attractive," I groaned getting up. I knocked on Cal's door so lightly I doubt anyone could hear it. The door flung open to show a distressed Michael with his hair everywhere. "Don't you ever walk away from me again you little shit" He said grabbing me. I shrugged my shoulders leaning my head on his chest. "It was your fault though," I mumbled walking to the bed. "Seriously Rosalie stop pouting I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry my little tiny best friend that's only five one got her feelings hurt but you know I love you," He said wrapping his arms around me. "I guess," I mumbled. Michael walked us forward before sandwiching me between him and the bed. Calum and Michael started talking again and I got up to look out the window. I glanced over to see Michael laughing at something Calum said. The way he threw his head and closed his eyes made me want to walk over and kiss him. God. Why me?Why Michael? Everything he does just makes me want to explode or go to nearest cliff and jump off. It's strange thinking and feeling this way about someone like they were the only thing that mattered. A compass pointing you in the right direction. The color blue appearing when all you could see was black and white. There weren't enough words to describe him. Rasasvada, the taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts. The feeling I get when I'm with Michael. A gentle squeeze around my waist brought me back to reality. I tilted head back to see Michael looking out the window.
"Why did yo-"
"Shh I'm concentrating"
I huffed leaning back and turned my head towards Calum who had his phone out taking a picture. "Cal please, "I whined trying to hide my face. "Shh I got this," he laughed. Closing my eyes I relaxed against Michael who was rubbing small circles on my arm. My eyes got heavier as the noises around me grew quieter. The last thing I remember was Michael picking me up, whispering a quiet "Goodnight", and kissing my forehead.

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