Twenty Five

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Miranda's POV

The last few months have been crazy. Gwen and the girls from Pistol Annie's threw me a baby shower about a month ago. We got everything we needed for our sweet baby girl. The ACM's were last week but I didn't get to go because I'm far along in my pregnancy. I have about a week until my due date and I'm so excited. Brantley has a few shows to do for Wounded Warriors so he won't be home until Friday. Mama Becky has been staying with me while Brantley is gone just in case my water breaks. Carter is loving her being here. I think he got bored when it was just me. I'm finishing putting up the last of the baby's clothes and I'm listening to Carter and Mama Becky laugh in the play room. "Gamma, stop tickling me." Carter says between laughs. I laugh to myself and put a onesie in the baby's dresser. As I go to stand up, I get a sharp pain in my abdomen. I brush it off as Braxton Hicks and finish what I'm doing.

Mama Becky is in the kitchen cooking dinner and Carter and I are sitting on the couch watching Cars. I'm still getting those pains but it is every couple of hours. "Dinner is ready." Mama Becky says walking into the room. "Yay! I hungry." Carter says going to sit at the dining room table. I stand up and make my way in to the dining room. Mama Becky has already made Carter's plate and he is digging in. As always, dinner is delicious and now I'm exhausted. I offer to help with the dishes but Mama Becky tells me to go on up to bed and rest. I put on my shorts and one of Brantley's t-shirts after my shower and curl up in bed. This mama is tired. Almost instantly I'm asleep.

I wake up about 3:30am to the feeling that I had peed the bed. I get up and turn on the light and see that the bed is wet along with my shorts. The pain in my stomach comes again but this time it is more intense than before. "No, no, no, I can't be going into labor. Brantley isn't here." I think to myself. "Mama Becky!" I yell as loud as I can. Not even a minute later, she comes through the bedroom door. "What's wrong honey?" "My water broke. This can't be happening. Brantley isn't here." I say starting to cry. "Sweetie, calm down. I'll call Kolby to come stay with Carter and you call Brantley and get ready to go." She says walking out of the room to call Kolby.  I grab my phone and dial Brantley's number. Please let him be close.

Brantley's POV

I wake up about 3:45am to my phone ringing. "Hello." I say a little more harsh than I intended. "Brantley." I hear Miranda say through tears. "Miranda, baby, what's wrong?" I say instantly awake and concerned. "My water broke and you aren't here. I can't do this without..." "Baby I'm on my way. Don't worry, I will be on a plane as soon as I can." I tell her trying to calm her down. "I love you baby. Please hurry." She says taking deep breaths. "I love you too angel. I'll be there soon." I tell her hanging up. I quickly start getting my things packed and looking up flights. I can't get out of here until 6am but I book the flight and text Miranda to let her know. I hope I get there in time.

I finally land in Atlanta and Kolby and Carter are waiting for me at baggage claim. "I just talked to mom. Miranda is only at a 6. We have plenty of time to get you there." Kolby says and I let out a sigh of relief. We grab my bags and head to Jefferson. We get to the hospital and I grab Carter and we walk inside. I get up to the third floor and see Mama in the waiting room. "Brantley she's ready to push. Go!" Mama says and I run to the room. I get there and open the door and see Miranda. "You made it!" She says excitedly through the pain. "I wouldn't have missed this for the world baby girl." I tell her kissing her. The doctors have me get changed and the get Miranda prepped. Next thing I know, she's pushing and we are one step closer to having our baby girl.

Harper Madison Gilbert was born on April 15 at 11:15am weighing 6lbs 8oz and is 18in long. The doctor hands me my baby girl and a few tears escape my eyes. "Me and your big brother, Carter, are gonna have to be protective of you. The boys are going to be chasing you and daddy doesn't like that." I say with a chuckle looking down at Harper. The nurses finally have Miranda and Harper all cleaned up and Mama and Kolby brought Carter in to meet his baby sister. "I love her mommy." Carter says looking at Miranda as she smiles down at him. Harper gets passed around the room for awhile until Miranda can't hold her eyes open anymore. Mama and Kolby take Carter back to Mama's house for a sleepover. I get in bed with Miranda land she snuggles into my side. I pull Harper's bed up next to me and fall asleep with both my girls by my side.

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