My First

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"Are you sure ?"

"Yes "

"Are you sure you are ready for this ?"

"Yes , baby"

"Okay" Ty  looked in my eyes for reassurance.

I took a deep breathe and Ty grabbed my hand. I stepped on to the train.

"See babe you are on the train and nothing is going wrong" Ty looked at me smiling that beautiful smile of hers.

" Its my first time on a train today ok? Give me a break"I pouted as we took our seats on the Amtrak train.

"You are so damn cute." Ty took a picture of me and then kissed me. I turn my back to ty and look out the window.

Everything outside was beautiful. It seemed as if the world was a beautiful movie that getting on the train allowed me to see.

"Baby where are you taking me?"

"Im not telling you. Just sit back and enjoy okay"

Ty put her hand on my thigh and I smiled. I placed my head on her shoulder and continued to watch the movie outside my window.


"Baby get ready to get off" Ty looked around smiling

"Next stop : New York PennStation "

I smiled and picked up my bag.

"Baby , you are taking me to New York for the week?" I said smiling like a little school girl.

"Yea , baby now come on " Ty pushed me in front of her as we got of the train. Ty led me out of the train station. Soon as i stepped foot outside I loved it. Something about there air there was magical and full of life and mystery and a hint of piss. I smiled looking up taking all of New York in.

"Baby , come one we gotta go to the hotel " Ty said smiling at me from the car she ordered.

"I went over to her and got in the car gripping her hand as I looked at all the people in New York City. The buildings and color, the constant blaring or horns. From the corner I could see Ty admiring me as I looked around this beautiful city. Once in a while she would kiss my hand and watch the building pass us by.

The car stopped. I looked over and saw this beautiful and expensive ass looking hotel. Ty helped me get out the car and took our bags then checked in. I looked around the hotel its so damn nice I pretty sure Imma see a celebrity in a minute. Ty took my hand distracting me from my studying of the hotel.

We boarded the elevator. I looked around for Cameras and went in to kiss Ty. I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her. I kissed her like my lips could tell her how great full I was for her to be in my life at this moment.

I heard the elevator on our floor I looked up it was the 15th floor. Ty smiled at me as we left the elevator.

"Damn girl you had to kiss me like that?"

I take Ty's hand and kiss it ." I needed my lips to say things I couldn't."

Ty stopped in front of the door," Ready to thank me again"

Ty opened the door to this beautiful as room. There was this huge bed. With a big tv and a big bathroom and a desk a couch and some chairs. It looked like something out of a magazine. It also kinda looked like and apartment.

I was overwhelmed no one had ever done anything even close to this for me. I took Ty in my arms" Thank you. Thank you so freaking much." I went to kiss her and she backed away from me

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