Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Officer: Patricia Ward you are a free women

I was so happy to see the gates close behind me. Sweet freedom at last. It's about time I got out of that hell hole. I was there for shit I didn't even do. An no matter how many times I went to trial and said it wasn't me no one believed me. Luckily I met my girlfriend when I was awaiting for one of my trials. She was leaving the court room to go to the bathroom and so I convinced the officer to let me go to the bathroom. From there we spoke and flirted and she's been visiting me. I got turned out in prison. I was cool with one of the guards and she would help sneak my girlfriend in here and we spend nights together having sex and just talking. I found out she knows the girl that did this to me. We plan on getting revenge now that I'm out. At first she wasn't going to do anything because she dating that girl sister but we fell madly in love and now she doesn't care to get rid of her. I was excited to see her car finally pull up. I rushed inside and out lips met. Things were about to get real steamy and she pushed me away.

Jayda: Take it easy tiger it still daylight

Patricia: Break up with that girl already

Jayda: I told you why I can't she so desperate for love she stays no matter how much I treat her like crap and she killed her ex girlfriend just because she was leaving her I'm not trying to die

Patricia: Fine but I don't like sharing so dump her soon

Jayda: When the time is right

Patricia: So about Lele how are we going to do this

The plan wasn't quite put together yet on how we were going to get rid of her. But I heard she's into females so I know how I'm going to get myself into her circle. But the first place I wanted to go to was home then my ex husband bar and see if we could at least be friends.



Right now Lele and I were having a good time at the bar with her friends and sister Miracle. We all seem to be enjoying herself but one of her friends Juicy. She seemed a little upset. Lele was kind of drunk right now and she was sitting on my lap which was really turning me on. But if I ever get that far with her I wouldn't do it while she's drunk. I would want it to be magically and special. But I don't plan on having sex anyways till after I'm married again. As we were all sitting around laughing my eyes grew big as the front door opened. I couldn't believe I came face to face with my ex wife again.

Patricia: Quan so nice to see you who's this lovely lady on your lap


Patricia: I see someone been drinking is she your girlfriend

Quan: Yes and what do you want I don't wanna see you and neither does your daughter

Patricia: I don't wanna see her either I just wanted to explain my part of the story

Quan: I don't got time for this shit your a liar and I don't wanna be with you now get out

Patricia: Okay fine but someday I'll prove my innocence

With that being said she left. I know she didn't mean the part about not wanting to see her daughter and I know I hurt her feelings. But she deserves it after everything she put me through. But I know she hurt that innocent man and she should still be rotting in prison where she belongs.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone else.

My Kind Of Love (Lesbian)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें