Chapter 13: I Must Give Up My Mind Body And Soul.

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A/N! I am so sorry for not updating! I got my iPad takin away from me and I couldn't update. But here's the next chapter :) I got it back today! Yay! Hope you like it and thank you to all the commenters that commented on the authors note last chapter. :D love y'all!

Chapter 13: I Must Give Up My Mind, Body, Soul.


Breathing heavily. His boot landed on my throat and added pressure. I felt my face turn red, then purple. Lack of oxygen going into my body made my lungs burn with need. Black dots covered my vision.

" Now. Time to play my sweet, dear future wife." Hunter whispered and everything went black.

-----V's POV!----


I screamed in anger at the stupid Pack Hunters, as they tested my patience. Two months...two very sad, angry, and stressful months. Devon, being the pathetic alpha he is has been doing nothing to help. Fury, the Twins, ans Chadian have been trying to help but they haven't been doing as much as I wanted them too. Lazy idiots.

I walked into our new pack house, slamming the door closed, and stomped up the stairs to our bedroom. Walking in I closed the door lightly and landed against it with a thud. 'Ugh, why did they take you so soon from me my love.' I thought to myself. The day they took Serena...I just stood there like a stupid idiot while everyone was running and sniffing her out. They only cought Devon's sent going into the woods. Which is weird if you ask me.

I rubbed my hands over my face and eyes; yawning as I walked to bed. I stripped to my white tiger boxers. I got them just so I could wear them for my beautiful mate. I laid in bed and closed my eyes. Sleep was so close when someone, or should I say, The Twins, came barging into my room with happy and stressed eyes. I shot up in bed with a growl. Damn twins.

"WHAT!" I snarled.

"We found her!!!"

--Serena's POV!! -----

Ugh my head! I groaned as I regained consciousness from last nights beating and rape. My body was cold and hurt to the point were it felt like I was getting cut open...oh wait, I was. Hunter forced me to marry him last month and the after math of the wedding was...well lets just say, not very pleasing. Last night Hunter had to go help calm one of the vampire clans near by. Leaving me with his horny vampire guards. The result was rape and getting my back, legs, and face cut open. Yeah. Not fun may I add so dearly.

Some of you may be asking how I'm even mentally right in the head, and that credit goes to my girls. They have kept me sain every since I got here. But one thing they couldn't help with was my soul. My body was an empty black endless abyss. My emotions were gone and I was nothing like I was before I was takin. I'm a wimp I know but I want you to be better then I am right now after what's happened to me. Yeah, thats what I thought.

I have a couple friends that are here in the compound with me and one of them happens to be the girl I met when I first woke up in this hell whole. Brittney Roberts. She of course is a beautiful vampire that is shy when you first meet her...but now I think there's something wrong in that girls head. She is the most weirdest person I have every meet and that kinda scares me a bit. Don't piss her off. She gets scary mad. She has dyed brown hair with blue, green, and purple highlights in her hair which goes great with her acorn colored eyes. She is average hight with a models pale body. It works for her.

Chuckling to my self I thought of my other Lacey. She's also a vampire with pale skin but totally different from Brittney. Lacy has vibrant burgundy hair with vivid green eyes. She wears dark clothing but isn't goth. Not that I wouldn't have minded or anything.

I shook my head. Their both crazy in their own way. I slowly got up from my bed and walked toward the connected bathroom in Hunters room. My chain making crinkling and clicking noises as moved my leg. Yep he chained my. I can do what ever in the room but I can't make it out the door.

I closed the door part way and stripped the rags that covered my body. My back ached painfully and protested when I slightly bent down to check the temp of the shower water. Warm water covered my hand a my mouth twitched as if to smile. I haven't smiled since I first got beat. I got in and hissed in pain as the warm water cascaded onto my back in light pellets. More long scars covered my back but unlike the others that are slightly faded, these were sliced with Moon Silver. They were jagged and nasty looking. I had a cut running from my eyebrow, through my eyelid, and to the middle of my cheek. Other tiny scars covered my body but I paid no mind to them.

The warm water relaxed me and I felt slightly at ease. I heard the door slam open as I put shampoo in my hair. Oh no. Fear courced through my veins with power as I tried to calm down. Think of V. Think...of...V. My mind and body eased and I felt calm. Feeling a bit of happiness and love fill my black dead heart.

A hot tear slid own my cheek. No! No more tears. I shall not cry in front of these foul creatures. I bathroom door was pushed open and I heard someones cloths being takin off. The glass door was slid open to reveal Hunter. He looked relaxed and slightly amused as I looked at his eyes with my dead dull ones. My rainbow eyes were gone and were replaced with dark gray eyes that held nothing but unhappiness, pain, and loneliness.

~~~~~~20 minutes later after a not so fun 'fun' time~~~~~~~~

Hunter put his cloths on and dashed from the room in a hurry. I lay on his bed naked and bleeding. Yeah, he raped me and I'm not going to tell any of those details. Nope, not happening. You might be mad at me and yelling why I'm not fighting back, and to answer your question is that I am pumped full of Moon Silver. Not enough to kill me but enough to cause my Beings to not show up.

I put a blanket over my body just in time to see Brit and Lacey barge in the room. They slammed the door closed and locked it. Breathing heavily they looked at each other and smelt the air. Smelling my blood in the room they looked to were my beat and battered body lay in the silk sheets.

Lacey eyes went sad. She knew what he did to me moment ago. Brit ran to the closet and threw random cloths at my still form. I felt dirty and vile just being alive right now with that filthy vampires scent on my body. Both girls got my cloths on and huddled with me on the bed. What's going on.

" what's going on?" my voice came out as a dry whisper. I haven't talked much so my vocal cords are horrible from all the screaming I've done in the last two months.

" The compound has been breached. Wolves and shifters are attacking everyone. Killing everything in sight." they looked worried but stayed calm for my sake. Well...Lacey was. Brit was shacking like a leaf that just got blown off a tree from a huge gust of wind.

From outside I could hear the dying screams of those filthy vampires as my wolves and shifters killed them. Guns went off as snarls, growls and whimpers of pain were heard after. I hope everyones alright. From down stairs I heard the front door being broken down and more blood curdling screams came shortly after. I hugged the girls closer. The door slammed open to reveal a female vampire with long black hair that had blue highlights and red tips ran in and slammed the door closed. Blood coated her skin but not shifter or werewolf blood. It was vampire. She looked at me with her dark rainbow eyes. Not vibrant like mine but they were still beautiful. She was my hight which was around 6 foot.

She smiled revealing pearly white teeth and she jogged toward me. She was on our side. I could tell from her eyes and her soul that he was here to help keep us safe.

" My names Francesca Harris. I'm here under the orders of King Vincator. You are safe my Queen." she bowed her head. Nodding I patted the bed so she could sit. She shook her head. " I must always be ready to prance if you are in danger, my queen. I must not sit till you are safe from this danger." oh...ok. I nodded in understanding.

Cries came from behind the door and Fran, that's Francesca's new nickname I gave her, hid slightly in the dark corner. Her all black outfit plus her black war paint made her almost invisible. I glared at the door as heavy footsteps stopped in front of Hunters door. I pushed the girls behind me as I got up and stood from the bed. The door slowly opened and a heavenly sent filled my nose. Making my heart beat. V stood there covered in vamp blood and breathing hard. My eyes went wide and I ran into his arm. Sparks and tingles ran up my body when we touched and I signed. His arms wrapped around my body in a tight hug. Breathing heavily his growl didn't go unnoticed as he cought the many male scents that made my scent disgusting.

"Umm hello?! Earth to Rena and person! Can we please get out of this place!" yep, that Brit for yah.

" NO! I want to see the bloody fight you blabbering baboon! Let it rain acid blood on them vamps as they wither and die!" Lacey yelled at Brit. They started bickering back and forth. V was watching this with amusement but then his eyes turned to me. Love was clear but deep sadness was there as I stared blackly back at him.

"Let us take our leave sir. We shouldn't have stayed this long." Fran commented; cutting off the Girls bickering. V and I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and dashed from the room. Fran, Lacey, and Brit following behind. Dashing down stairs, through different hallways nd kitchens we finally came to the front door.

' Somethings wrong.' I sent to V as our connection got stronger. His eyes went blank as did his beautiful face. Setting me down I was pushed behind him as we slowly made our way out the front door. Stopping short we al, gasped at the number of vampires that food in front of us. Shifters and wolves held captive. Anger like I have never felt before consumed my body.

" LET THEM GO NOW!" I snarled as loud as I could. My throat burned in agony but I didn't let it show.

Some vamps shifted uncontrobly as my power-command set in.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" A cold, sexy and husky voice yelled out to them with authority. It can't be! But it was. The owner of that voice came forward as everyone parted for him. His scent came to me and I was surrounded by mint, blood and woods. Weird combo but to me it was amazing.

Platinum blond hair and endless black eyes meet mine and he gasped. His eyes showing love, anger, sadness, happiness and lust. Mine held nothing but sadness. He was 6'7" with a surfers build. His black leather pants were almost a second skin with his tight black shirt and trench coat. Combat boots matched his smexy outfit perfectly.

"Your soul mate!" every gasped in surprise but all the females, who all gave me death glares. He took a step toward me and I mirrored his movement. A gun went off and I felt pain course though my very being. Bloody curtling screams came from my mouth but stopped suddenly as I chocked on blood. I looked at my Vampire Mates face in horror. His expression mirroring mind. I crumpled to the ground. I was shot in the stomach. Blood covered my shirt and shorts as it spilt on the ground. My friends and mates surrounded me as well as my shifter / wolf friends. I smiled at them with calmness. I would die for them anyway.




Light came from my body as I was lifted from my body. I was dead. I floated in spirit form as they cried in august and agony at my death. Tears leaked from my eyes as I slowly disappeared in the full moon sky. Death came to me as my friend and I welcomed it. Closing my eyes. I sank into a dark abyss, we're I knew I wouldn't be coming back from.

--------BRITTNEYS POV-------

NO! Not Serena please not her! I cried as I lay crumpled on the ground next to her lifeless body. She just meet her mates again. Why is life so cruel! Screams of agony ripped from my throat as I cried and cried. Some of my heart gave away at the loss of my best friend, my queen, my sister. Nothing will ever take this pain away.

--------VINCATORS POV------

Pain. Nothing mattered anymore as I stared at my mate, my lover, my beautiful everything. Her ghost white skin had a hint of blue but the stench of death came from her. My heart, body and soul was gone. I felt empty, heart broken. Her Vampire mate, Zeke, had blood tears streaming down his white skin. His black eyes not held agony, sadness and emptiness. The same feeling I was feeling right now. I kneeled next to him as I slung my arm over his shoulder. I pulled him in a hug as we both cried out from the loss of our True Mate.

------ZEKES POV! (Serena's new vampire mate) -----

No, this can't be happening. I just met her for five minutes. FIVE FRICKIN MINUTES AND POOF SHE DEAD! That stupid vampire go better not even be alive right now or so help me. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I knew it was her Shifter mate, V. I hugged him as blood tears streamed from my eyes, and clear ones from his. Our sobs were heard but we didn't care. Nothing matters.

-----Unknown POV------

Good. She's dead that stupid tiger witch. Now that everyone's morning the loss of their queen or mate I can finally take what was rightfully mine. To bad your brother isn't really your real one. I laughed evilly. To bad my little sister, looks like your time just ran out...........



OMG! NOOOOO SERENA!! I cried writing this chapter. No joke. This is the most depressing chapter ever and the last one. Yep that's right. This is the last chapter of Rejecting The Last Tiger Shifter. The next book will be coming soon. I'm sorry for the long wait! School sucks right now. Gotta keep the 4.0. So what y'all think of this chapter! Good bad. Tell meh in the comment area!!




Forever crying from the lose of Serena,

- Serena :,( -

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