Chapter 11: 3 weeks later!?

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Hey guys! So I didn't have any homework. Right now!! Yah!! Thanks for the support and for commenting! Thanks! You guys are the best! I'm thinking of other characters for this story! If you want to be in my story comment:

your name:

supernatural creature you want to be:



if wolf or have inner beast their name:



your personality:


dis likes:

Powers ( only two):

So, I only have like 5 maybe 6 slots! Get them if you want them :D ok so back to my story!!! Yayyyyy!!!! Update! Make sure to PM me it too!



Chapter 11: 3 weeks later?!


Well, it's been over three week since I came to this hell whole and V and I marked. I've been getting better at shifting into other animals and controlling my angle light. The good thing about being an angle is that into my healing powers!! Yay!! Like OMG! ( sorry fan girl moment!)

Being able to help others that are hurt mentally and physically, has earned me a lot of respect in both packs. Devon has been distant which is making me suspicious. I would be at the dinner table eating dinner and he would watch me with a blank expression. Glaring at the mark that stood proud on my neck. Chadian, being his usual stupid and prankster self, stuck super, SUPER glue on all our chairs. V, desiring to show all the males in the room I'm his, put me on his lap. Adding more pressure to the glue on his ass. Let's just say that I'm still laughing at the horrified and angry looks on their faces as they chased Chad ( Chadian), with their chairs stuck to their butts. Both packs witnessed this and no one can look at them now with out laughing. I for one, laugh every time I see them and give Chad a fist bump. Yeah, that's how we role ^_^

Yeah but now thinking about it I'm thinking about pulling off a prank on them. Oh yes...evil face. Wahahaha. Should I do the shampoo dye or the-I felt something freezing cold hit me and I woke with a gasp. Looking down I saw over a thousand ice cubes covering my bed and I. Shills ran through me body and I slowly got up. Sniffing the air I smelt V, the twins, and Chad scents. oh, it's on boys. I slowly turned around and blankly looked at them. They looked at me with shocked looks, but under that was fear. I smelt it.

Pushing through them, or having them scurry away from my touch, I walked to my dresser. Pulling out my black lace sexy undies, and matching black lace bra ( making sure to Have the boys see them). V growled angrily at me. Well you know what! I don't give a rats Nutella covered ass. ( sorry Nutella! I love you!!!)

I grabbed a purple short, short gym pants, and walked to the bathroom. Wait! I froze and turned around and grabbed my purple sports bra. Walking toward the bathroom I stripped my socked crop top. I felt my back getting slammed into the wall with a furious V snarling at the guys.

" GET OUT NOW OR I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR EYES WITH A SPOON!" they beat feet to my door and slammed it close. Oh great. Thanks guys. I looked at V with a smirk. Rubbing my self on him he released a groan of pleasure. His mighty bodge was there and I grinned. Thinking fast I beat feet to the bathroom; slamming and locking the door. I heard a growl and a fist hitting the door. Laughing I started the shower and got in. Hot water loosened my muscles as I gathered my mint and strawberry shampoo. Lathering my hair with it I began to scrub my body with the same body wash scent. What can I say. I love mint and strawberries. Thinking about it now, V has a hint of mint in his pineapple and rain scent. He smelt sexy. I washed, conditioned, and washed the rest of the subs from my body. I sang Titanium as I finished. Stepping out, I wrapped myself in a fluffy and big rainbow towel.

Drying my self, I put my hair in a high ponytail, put my gym cloths on and walked out. Not even looking at V as he lay on our bed in nothing but boxer briefs. I walked out and down the stairs. Bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and french toast filled my nose. Oooooh! Yum! I literally ran to the kitchen, snatching a plate and stacking my plate high with food. Everyone looked at me with wide as I gobbled down my food with volger. Holy mother of goodness!! I got up, putting my dish in the sink and sprinted outside to start training. Time to tango boys >:D !!!!

----------------------------9 hours of training later----------------------------

" OK GUYS! GOOD JOB TODAY WITH TRAINING! I'LL SEE YOU ALL TOMARROW AT 7. YOU CAN SLEEP IN TONIGHT AND IN THE MORNING MORE." Everyone cheered as we gathered up everything and went to our houses. I grabbed a bag full of jerseys. Why might you ask? Cause we had an amazing football game today. It was amazing!

As I walked to the storage room I got the feeling I was being watched. Looking around I didn't see anything but woods and the pack house about 300 feet from my position. Hmmm. I shrugged. Must have been nothing. I opened the door and a hand came behind me nd I felt a pinch in my neck. What the??!! I opened my mouth to scream but a rag was put over my face. Breathing in the chemicals when i couldn't heel my breath I fell into a black abyss. Thinking one last thought as I slipped away. "Fuck me."


( Before Serena went to storage room.)

" Hey man. Nice training today! See ya tomorrow!" Jason ran away to the pack house. Everyone was dispersing to their houses or the pack house. I noticed that Serena was still in the field so I wandered into the woods. Watching as she grabbed the jerseys from the ground.

" That's right. Walk away from everyone so I can take you you stupid tiger whore." I whispered to my self. My wolf and I are starting to go mad ever since the whore marked her True mate and he her. What was his name...AH HA! Vincator! What kind of a name is that! Vincator. So Stupid.

I wandered closer to we're Serena was standing looking around. She could sense my eyes as I watched her. She shook her head, dismissing the thought right away. Stupid girl. Glee, anger, and lust filled my body as I crept closer. I pulled a syringe I took from her room and silently crept up to her. She tended and I struck. Sticking the needle in her neck I pumped her body full of the unknown liquid. Her mouth fell open to scream and I put a rag filled with wolfsbane, cloraphone, and white gold. Yeah, white gold Is deadly to wolves. One touch and it will et away at your skin and there in no cure till your nothing but a bones on the ground.

Serena struggled and went limp. Good. Throwing her over my shoulder I jogged into the woods. Dodging trees, making Serena hit them instead, I ran to my border and waited. Hunter came out behind a tree and a evil smile graced his lips. He a good looking guy. Not that I'm gay or anything but his white hair, black eyes,and a body ripped with muscles, he was hot guy. I shuttered in disgust. Oh god I'm turning into a chick.

Hunter saw Serena hanging over my shoulder and his smile got bigger, eviler, and he had this terrifying glint in his eyes. I dropped Serena to the floor and she whined in her sleep state. Stupid freak. Can't even take a fall can she.

" So, you brought me my prize and I will grand you your safety. As promised." Hunter smirked. What's he playing at. He piked Serena up with gentalness and held her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He turned his back to me and started to walk away.

"Wait! What are you!?" he stopped. Turning he frowned. His eyes went red and huge fangs dropped from his mouth. Holy crap! He's a vampire!! Noticing my shocked state he smiled.

" I'm a Vampire. You stupid mutt." and disappeared.



Yay! It's done! If you want to be a character in my book in the next chapter, look at the top of this chapter at my A/N note up there. How you like it??!!!





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