Chapter2: Run Little Rabbit, Run

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A/N Hey everyone :) update again!!! Yay!!! Well sorry for the last chapter endingish. It was rushed cause ingot my iPad takin away :( but I'm posting this chapter :D yeah!! * party dancing*. But, please ignore to the best of your abilities my grammar and spelling. My iPad is restarted sometimes :) and thank you to the two people that commented my last chapter. You guys will be getting dedications ;). And thanks to the readers that voted ;) that made me really happy :D well on to the story. It's going to be kinda boring. It's just information about wolves and Serenas powers. But it's very interesting. But good too :)


Chapter 2: Run Little Rabbit, Run

Those stupid frickin wolves. The smell, they are moody and are just plane stupid. I swear if my mate is a wolf I'm going to chop off his little-

" Serena!!! What in the goddesses' name was that noise!!!" Jasmin frantically gushed out to me. Ohhhh man. I frowned, thinking of a good lie to tell her but I really hate lying. Even as a kid I never lied. THINK SERENA THINK!!!! Oh! I got it!!

" Oh that roaring noise from outside? Well, that was the thunder storm that is a couple miles from here. Plus," I smirked." these two male wolves were fighting over a girl who was barely in any cloths. It's nasty if you ask me." I chuckled lightly.

(A/N. Serena's hood is over her face so Jasmin can't see her new sexy face;). Just FYI.)

Jasmin looked shocked but chuckled regardless. Doubt was clear in her eyes but didn't press the matter. One of the many things i love about her. I smiled and held up my credit card and wallet. Jasmins eyes went wide and she ushered me to the cash register. Paying $127.96 for everything. Not bad for how mush I bought. Thanking Jasmin, I ran to my lambo and climbed in.

Leaning back to put my bags in the back, pain erupted through my stomach. I screamed in agony and the pain got worse. It felt like an animal was munching on my insides and tearing them to pieces. My neck burned and felt like someone was touching it with a hot poker. Another wave of pain hit me and I screamed louder.

" Ahhh!!!" I screamed. I doubled over and cried. The pain wracked my body and I hated it. My door was flung open and Jasmin's sent hit me. I didn't notice that I was getting picked up cause from the pain that was now comming from my heart. My heart was getting ripped and tore from my body. That's how bad it felt. (got you there didn't I ;) )

"Shhh. It's going to be ok Rena. It's going to be ok. Breath. That's it breath deep and slowly let it out." Jasmin softly said.

The pain was going away, but not as quickly as I wanted it to. Hot, warm tears still slid down my face as the last of the pain disappeared. Jasmin wiped the last remaining tears from my face with her thumb. She looked at me sadly. Like she new something I didn't. I don't know anything about me or wolves. My parents never were able to tell me. But my sister and brother know. They were of age to get told. I was to young. Then my parents died and I was left in the dark and was to made fun of to ever have givin it a thought. But now that I see I'm a tight shifter, a WHITE tight at that, I need to know about me. As much as possible.

" Jasmin * pant * what was that." I looked in her eyes but all I saw was sadness and regret. What?? I looked at her confused. She looked away from my confused eyes and looked out into space.

" Your mate...he marked and mated another. That's why you were in pain. It's the pain of your mate truly rejecting you." I froze. Every part of my body died. Right then and there. My heart shattered and I cried. I cried for my mate choosing another. I cried for the lose of my parents, me getting beatin, raped, and abused. I cried for everything I loved. Jasmin wrapped her arms around me. Her comfort didn't help me this time. It only made me cry harder into her shirt. I was now alone. And my tiger was right. I don't need anyone. I whipped my tears away with anger and gently untangled myself from Jasmin. Looking her dead in the eye I said.

" Tell me everything you know. I need to be prepared for anything. Tell me about White Tiger Shifters. " when I mentioned white tiger shifters, her eyes widened. A look of shock covered her face. But was quickly gone. Replaced with a calm mask. She nodded her head and with that she took me to the back room.



Ohhh yeah! Chapter 2 is being made into two parts so the history will be continued on the next part. :) it was short wasn't it :( I know and I'm sorry. I really wanted to make it long but I'm driving to Anchorage right now. Yes that's in Alaska :) it's beautiful here. But I just wanted to update really quick :) I hope you guys like it >.< y'all know the drill!!

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With all my White Tiger heart,
Serena :)

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