Chapter 1: The Shift

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Chapter 1: The Shift

Serena's POV

As I look back at the pack house I couldn't help the smirk that graced my lips. No one could understand how much peace and hope was running through my body right now. Yeah, my back hurt like hell, but it isn't stopping me from driving away from that place. I just need to stop by the drug store to get some medical stuff for my injuries. I have lots of them too. Five broken ribs, sprained ankle, long slices down my back that are still bleeding, a broken nose, and bruises that cover my entire body. Making me look like I'm black and blue. Yeah I know. How am I still alive right now...that I do not know...

As I was driving to town, dread, pain, and anger courses through my body. It wasn't mine that I could tell but it was from someone. But who?

< It is from our 'mate' Serena. He just found our note at the house. It is already the end of school remember. Block them. Don't let anyone in you head or heart. Build a wall that no one but the one you truly love can access. Do this, and you will never fear anything and you will be great. The ultimate and fearless leader to everyone. >

What did she mean about be the leader to everyone? Is this some kind of game or something?!

< you will find out in due time my dear. Be patient please. Till you shift you will get no answers from me. >

With that she left my mind, leaving me slightly lonely. Shaking my head I drove faster to the nearest town, River moon. It's an all werewolf town and it unclaimed territory, so us wolves can be there without getting on someone's else's land.

I knew where the pharmacy was like the back of my hand ( like the packs kitchen). I came there all the time to get stuff for my wounds. The town was nice and peaceful considering wolves from pack around this area come here for supplies.

As I drove into town I looked around to see the streets full of life. Wolves from other packs hanging out at fast food restraints. My connection to my pack broke when I drove into town. This only happens to wolves who want to leave packs for new ones. So now the connection to my pack was gone. And so was the connection to my mate. I felt cold and heartless when the connection snapped but I didn't care. He deserves the pain hes going to get if we ever meet again.

As I drove past Mc Donald's, DQ, Carls Jr., Walmart, KFC, etc.. Every store, mall, and food place you could ever imagine is here. Everyone drove fancy cars but only the very rich drove lambos, and fancy cars like that. And the rich are very beautiful. So I bet you can imagine the shock they get when they see a ugly, fat girl get out of a Lamborghini, looking like someone who lived on the streets.

Anger coursed through my veins from the laughter of everyone as they made fat jokes about me. Like ' how do you even fit your fat ass in that nice car', or ' I'm surprised the tires haven't exploded under the weight when you in it'. Stuff like that. I'm sick of the jokes they give me and they were from Devon's pack. The others stayed silent the whole time. In a state of shock and pity as that watched me get teased. I drove up to the pharmacy where a nice old man and his wife own. They always ask why I have so many bruises and broken bones. I tell them it's from fighting and training. They don't believe in the slightest but I don't care. I just grab my stuff and leave.

Parking my car in my usual spot that they made my that says 'Reserved Parking Only' by the front door, I get out in a rush. My back is slowly healing, but I can feel wetness trailing down my back to my pants. It's a good thing I'm wearing black today. I fling my hood over my face and slam my door closed. Turning the alarm on on my car, I walk to the glass doors. Honey lemon, and rose fill my nose when I push open the glass doors. Mrs. Jasmin is here today. A smile creeps to my lips. I always liked her out of everyone in town. She was a nice old lady with long red hair with a hint of grey in it. Her perfectly golden tanned face didn't show one wrinkle but her pale green eyes showed her wisdom over the years.

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