Chapter 10: True Mate Number 1

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Yah! Two updates in two days! Come on guys show me the love! :3 And come on guys!

ImagineLittleDragon...your awesome ;) good job! I dedicate this chapter to you. ( but I can't from my iPad right now) I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I have school tomorrow so updates are going to be on Fridays and Saturday's. Maybe on other days that I don't have homework but please keep voting, commenting and reading!! :D thanks to everyone who comments. I love it :D warning! Steamy stuff at the end. :) look for //

Chapter 10: True Mate Number 1.


" I'm sorry. You have to understand why I didn't tell you right away! I'm not ready to rule a kingdom! Please Boobear ( Serena's other nickname)! Please forgive me." how could he. HE'S not ready to rule!? I have to rule the hole fucking supernatural world! I'm turning 18 soon and that stupid ass thinks I should forgive him when he ignores me?! Oh he'll nah! I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes. My eyes changed and grew brighter.

I brought my hand back and SLAP! His head napped to the side and his cheek had a whole hand print on it. Tears pricked my eyes but I blinked them away. No tears for him. His head was bowed and tears fell down his face. I didn't feel sorry. I was furious. My True mate hid from me and ignored me most of the time.

" FORGIVE YOU!? NO!! I'VE WAITED FOR YOU...BUT HERE YOU WERE, WATCHING ME FROM AFAR!? Why!? You! Of every wolf or what ever you are,I would have never imagined this. You don't want to rule!? I have to rule the supernatural world! You got nothing compared to what I have to do. I have to WIN the titles from kings of the different supernaturals. You have nothing to whine about!"

Before I did anything worse I walked out. Leaving Fury, Chadian, and V with sad faces. They deserve it. I walked out of my room and my red cocktail dress flowing around me. I ran to the forest and tore the dress off. I really loved that dress...but fuck it! I shifted into my big tiger and sprinted into the forest.

Crystal was silent. I could feel her crying from the fight with our mate. I shook my head and pushed my feet to run faster. I dodged roots, trees, and branches. Tears fell down my fur, leaving a trail of blood. ( yes my tears a blood tears. It happens when I ave a gloomy mood. Like sadness, fury, depression, etc..)

I ran for hours. Not stopping till I got to a tree that looked like it was hiding something. I pushed past the leaves and vines and gasped. There was a meadow, almost like the meadow that I talked to my parents in but this meadow had a beautiful waterfall. The water glowed with a unnatural light. I walked toward it and bent down my breaths came in puffs. The cold air making it visible to see my hot breath.

I looked into the water. Looking closer I saw a glimpse of eyes. Lots of eyes. WHAT THE HELL! My paw slipped and I went face first into the glowing water. I sank down and looked around. There surrounding me, we're animals of every kind. Lions, fish, cats, dogs, wolfs, birds, jaguar, bugs, every animal. There eyes were rainbow colors that were bright and shiny. But every creature was either pure white, black, or gold. They were beautiful.

The water began to get brighter and the animals all swam around me at an alarming rate. I panicked.

Crystal softly told me

I shifter into my human form. I did as told and opened my arms. They swam faster and faster. They shined bright and I closed my eyes; head back. I felt something warm Incase my body and my eyes fluttered open. Each animal swam into my body and disappeared. The last was a pure white lion. It's eyes held power. She reared her head back and roared. The water around us shot up to the sky. It's bright light surrounded me and the lion. She walked toward me. Each step calculating each movement I made. I smiled, and held my arms open more, standing straight and head held high. Her eyes sparkled and pride filled them. She left and disappeared into my heart.

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