Authors Note

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So I've realized that our vote goal isn't being met.. This is a big problem. I spend probably five hours (no exaggeration) writing and editing my chapters. Plus, I've seen other authors goals that are like 1,000 or 500 and I only ask for like seven, eight, sometimes nine. It's really frustrating when this happens. I've decided that until the vote goal from the previous chapter has been met, no new chapter. I have been spoiling you guys and now I'm laying down the law. My dad thinks that I'm isolating myself from the entire family when really, I'm writing a chapter for you guys! Basically what we're saying is that you guys aren't getting a new chapter until the vote goal is met. Please, don't think I'm being mean, because I'm not. I really don't ask for much. My chapter get like thirty reads in two days but only three of them actually vote. Just please start voting because this story is near an end. I really just need you guys to reach the vote goal so that I can get new chapters up for you guys. Sorry if you guys think I'm being mean but I'm just frustrated. Thanks for reading this fanfic! Bye.


Hey. Leo or SakuraStarz here. I just have to add something. You guys, Kiara is working her BUTT off, JUST so she can write you a story. I personally know she stays up late most of the time, just to think of new ideas for the next chapter. And really, she's only asking for a vote. Which takes only what? 1 second? Maybe even less. You can't do that? Not to be rude but that's.... lame. If I was her, I would've raged already and just quit. But you know what? She DIDN'T quit writing. She continued, even though she never got the vote goal she DESERVES. When she only got THREE VOTES when she asked for just a little less than TEN. When some people brought her down by posting rude comments. Wtf? All I can say is she's strong. She dedicates all this time from her own LIFE(yes she does have one), just to make you guys happy. And you can't even press a button once for her? ....... All right, that's all I have to say. Please, just give that vote button a push and it'll make my friend's day. Thanks for reading her awesome fanfic (which deserves WAY more votes). Good day.


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