Chapter 4

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Good morning/Afternoon/Evening! This chapter has a lot going on so if it seems longer that's why.. It might not but yeah.. here's chapter 4.  -Author

Copyright ©Kiara Hart


"Hey guys, Sky here, with Jason, Ty, Dawn, The Fluffy, Bashur, BajanCanadian, Kiara, and Bodil40 and today we are playing Cops N' Robbers." I did my normal intro as I do with all my videos. "This is a big episode but hopefully it'll go well." I added. The server said that there were too many people and wouldn't let us in. We kept trying and unfortunatly, some people had to leave. We drew names out of a hat only six out of nine could be drawn. The names drawn were: Me, Ty, Fluffy, Bodil, Dawn, and Bashur. Kiara, Jason, and Mitch weren't picked so they couldn't play. We began playing but I had to make a new intro.


"We have way too many people!" Jerome shouted.

"Lets try one more time to get into the server." I suggested.

"No. We've done it 30 times already. You realize what we have to do, don't you Kiara?" Jerome asked.

"Draw names from a hat?" I asked in reply.

"I was gonna say fight to the death but I guess that works too." Jerome joked. We all wrote our names on a piece of paper and dropped them into a little snapback. I was so nervous about it. You know how on those reality shows, when they're eliminating people, how nervous they are? Yeah, I was that nervous. Adam drew the first name.

"Dawn." He read and tossed the name on the table. Ok, there's always next time. He read another name "Bodil." I started crossing my fingers. "Ty." After Jerome, and Adam, the last name was about to be called. I was biting my lip and crossing my fingers. "The last person is.. Bashur." My heart sank. Well, at least I get to hang with Mitch and Jason. I had my head resting on my hand while sitting at the breakfast bar. "

Hey don't be sad. It's just cops and robbers. Not a big deal." Jason tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah, But I love playing it with Jerome, Dawn, and Adam. Putting them together makes it the funniest video on YouTube." I replied.

"There's always the next video." Jason says, playing with my hair.

"Why blue?" He asked, randomly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why'd you dye your hair blue?" He asked.

"Ready for story time?" I asked. He nodded.

"I love story time!" Mitch came over, clapping his hands.

"I dyed my hair blue because of my passion. I used to be obsessed with painting and art. My favorite thing about it was expression and culture. I used to date this guy named Logan. Long story short, he broke my heart and that's how I got into art. I painted lots of sad and emotional paintings. I eventually ran out of blue paint. It was a rare paint and due to my insufficient funds I couldn't purchase any more. Thats when I saw the dye at the store. I saved up money for weeks before I eventually got it. That's why and how I dyed my hair blue." I answered.

"Wow. That was a complicated story you just told." Jason said and Mitch nodded, agreeing.

"Sorry if I bored you." I said. "I was very interested." Mitch said.

"In the time you were talking, I did a braid in your hair." Jason smiled.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked Jason.

"Uhh.. 5:06, why?" He answered.

"Crap. I forgot to eat dinner before we came here." I scolded myself.

"I'm kinda hungry, are you Mitch?" Jason asked Mitch.

"I'm starving! Lets go out to get fooood!" He said.

"Hey guys we're going to get dinner!" I screamed. I got a nod of approval from Jerome and we headed out to dinner.

"Applebee's or Chili's?" I asked.

"Applebee's." Mitch and Jason said in unison. Applebee's it is...

What do you think? I'm going to Tampa tomorrow so the chapter might come later than usual. Have a good day/night!


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