Chapter 6

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Copyright ©Kiara Hart


At first, I thought having Carrie and Jenna come over would be fun but now I really wish they would leave. I know, I know it's really selfish of me to say that but it's true! Everyone except me was playing minecraft with them while I was sitting alone at Adam's breakfast bar on my laptop, watching SSundee play CNR with his Derp skin on. I wasn't laughing because I had seen the whole video like 500 times since it was uploaded to YouTube one month ago. I don't know why but SSundee's videos always cheer me up. "Hey." A voice spoke from next to me. I turned to face the voice, it was Ty.

"Oh hey." I said, faking a smile. He peeks at my laptop screen.

"That's a really funny one." He smiles. I smile (a real one this time) back at him and was about to say something when he stole my headphone right out of my ear. I looked at him with a pouty face.

"What? I wanna watch it too!" He laughed. I scrolled my mouse over the red dot and I scrolled it back to the start of the video. As the intro played I wondered why Ty wasn't with the others. Maybe he didn't feel like playing and came over to hang out with me.

"Let's go do something." Ty randomly said.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Anything. Sitting here is boring." He answered.

"Everything's closed. It's almost three in the morning." I reminded him.

"So let me go and grab my laptop and we'll play hide 'n seek. Sound good?" He asked.

"I haven't played it yet. I've seen Jerome play it and it looks like a lot of fun!" I got excited.

"I'll be back to grab my laptop from my room next door." He says but before he got up, I stopped him.

"Let me go too. I want some of the yogurt you bought." I said and he nodded in approval. We got up together and walked out of the room without drawing any attention to ourselves. I made sure to grab a heavy book from the breakfast bar and place it in front of the door so that we wouldn't be locked out. He slid the key into the lock and the door opened. I went straight to his mini fridge and grabbed a strawberry Yoplait whips. Making sure to grab a plastic spoon, I walked to the door where Ty was waiting for me, with his laptop in his hands. We walked back out and into Adam's room. I removed the book from next to the door then went and sat in front of my laptop. I placed my yogurt to my right and waited for Ty. Ty placed his laptop down and logged into Minecraft, I did the same. We both made sure we clicked the right server which led us to a map where there was a huge white mansion and I was a flower pot.

"So what exactly do I do, Ty?" I asked.

"Basically, you have to find a spot to hide and stay there for five seconds before you can become that block. There is a randomly selected seeker who seeks us and if you die you become a seeker hunting other blocks." He explained. "

That sounds easy." I lied. I found an empty wood block beside a blue wool bed and sat on top of it until it informed me that I was a solid flower pot.

"What block are you?" I asked.

"Umm.. a redstone lamp. What about you?"

"Flower pot." I answered. I was waiting for someone to seek me out until I heard random screaming from Adam.

"Oh no! What the crap! I fell through the map!" I guess their playing skyblock warriors or something. A guy (username: AtomicBomb3882) walked in the room hitting random blocks but for some reason didn't kill me or hit me. I peered over at Ty's screen but he blocked it from me.

"If you become a seeker, you'll know where I am." He states.

"Well it doesn't matter now because some guy just killed you." I replied, giggling.

"What? Why'd he do dis?" He asked. I laughed and answered

"I'm still alive."

"Well I'm coming to find you." He told me.

"Shit." I mumbled. As if he knew exactly where I was, he walked into my room and killed me. There was only one hider left and he or she hid very well because we couldn't find them. Ty was looking back behind him where Sky and the others were playing something. "They all fell asleep." Ty whispered. I faced where they were sitting and he was right, they were sound asleep. I should be too because it's almost three thirty in the morning. "Ty, I'm tired but there's nowhere to sleep. Carrie and Jerome are sleeping on the couch and Jason and Jenna are asleep on the love seat." I said. It kind of pissed me off to see Jason and Jenna sleeping next to each other. I walked up to each of them and carefully took their laptops and closed them. Then, I placed all the laptops on the table. I'm guessing Adam got up and went to his room because him and his laptop weren't out here.

"You can sleep in my room if you want." Ty said, sweetly.

"Sure. Where are you gonna sleep?" I asked.

"I'll sleep on the couch." He answered.

"No! It's your room and I refuse to let you sleep on the couch!" I demanded.

"It's better than you alone in your own hotel room." He said.

"You've got a point." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

"So you'll let me sleep on the couch?" He asked.

"Nope. I'll be the one sleeping on the couch."

"If you don't just left me sleep on the couch then I'm never gonna play Minecraft again." He said, childish-ly.

"Ok fine. I'll let you sleep on the couch." I mumbled. We went back to Ty's room and I jumped on his bed. "Ty!! Do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure." He answered.

"Let me borrow some clothes." He nodded and tossed me one of his shirts. I walked into his bathroom and switched shirts. I was only wearing jean shorts and Ty's shirt.

"Ty! Do you have any shorts or something I could wear under this?" I asked. He handed me some basketball shorts that were a little big but I managed to tie the strings so that the shorts tightened and fit me perfectly. I picked up my clothes that were scattered amongst the floor and put them in my bag. I texted Jerome and told him that I would be sleeping at Ty's room tonight because I didn't want him to flip out again. Making sure I was comfortable, I crawled into Ty's bed and started to fall asleep.

Ty's POV

I woke up rather early and the first thing I did was check on Kiara. I guess I really didn't have to because I could hear her lightly snoring from here. I checked my phone and saw that I had two unread messages. One was from Adam while the other was from Jerome.

7:06AM Dude, check out time is in three hours! Make sure your packed because we gotta be out of our rooms by ten...  

That one was from Adam. I then checked the one from Jerome.

7:38AM Is Kiara alive over there?!? I texted her about four times and she hasn't responded!! I swear if she's dead I'm never gonna be able to do anything ever again!

Typical Jerome.. He really cares about her. They've been best friends since 5th grade so it wouldn't shock me at all. I jumped next to Kiara and woke her up. "What the hell, Ty?!" She yelled startled.

"Good morning to you too. Check out time is in an hour. Get up because Jerome's freaking out." I responded. She instantly got up and grabbed her bag.

"Ty, I put all your yogurt in my bag for the trip home. Oh and see you in Florida." She said before walking out.

"See you in Florida." I quietly said to myself.

Copyright ©Kiara Hart

I don't think Florida is where Ty lives but that's where I live so that's what I used. I have a really bad memory so if Ty has mentioned where he lived then I've forgotten.. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter because it took me 3 days to write! Maybe we can get this to 5 votes?? 


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