Jack and Jill or The Big Bang Theory (TV)

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I need some advice on this boy. His name is Kenny and he's not exactly in the in crowd but he's attracted my interest. Not only that but he also shows attraction to me. He constantly says things like I know you like me and admit it, but that's too hard. Btw another boy is his friend and I have a feeling he likes me too because he gives me random comments like hey pretty and you're so beautiful and hey beautiful and I like the attention but it's kinda weird. I like both guys a lot, but I have no clue who's the best one for me. Help! Please! I'm so confused! I know nothing about boys. First time someone I actually like has shown any interest in me whatsoever! I don't want it to end. Please Help. I'm lost.


Ok what you need to do is just figure out which one makes you happy. You don't have to necessarily need to choose, when the time comes you'll have an idea. Many people have been through or are going through the same situation and they have made some mistakes. They have chosen the, not the wrong person, but not the best person for THEM. So what I meant by that is to take your time and to not overthink, but be careful. You can always be careful and carefree at the same time.

-Random fact #2: I'm a nerd and I love it!!!

-Remember Always; Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

-Cupids Conquerer <3

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