Trouble for me!!

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Okay so I found out about you through a chapter of Playing Evelyn which I love so tell your friend she's an amazing writer!!!<333 Anyway to the point I'm having a problem with a boy in fact my boyfriend. He's my first boyfriend and I'm like taller than him, yeah that's sad ,but I don't think I really like him like I've known him since 4th grade (I'm a freshman in high school btw) and we've just always been friends. He's always liked me and my friends were like Jade he's super sweet and does everything for you even though you've rejected him like five times. So at first I was super excited couldn't wait ,but now that's worn off even though it's only the first day. I'm not feeling like any chemistry at all.

I feel just weird like I would like us better off as friends. I've asked countless friends and family members what I should do but ehh what's one more price of advice to help. I don't know wether to break it off because if the feelings not there it's not or to try and give it sometime? I feel bad like I'm going out with him out of pity which I kinda am. I feel like an asshole for thinking of breaking it off even though it's only the first day ,but then I'll be even more of a b*tch if I break it off..ughh I need some serious help!!! :/


Ok so I've been in a situation like this before, my friends are crazy and are always paring me up with guys. The best thing to do is give it a couple of day's. Then you have to break it off with him if you don't feel anything more than friendship. That way you won't feel as bad about breaking up because you did spend time with him and you did try ,but its just not for you. It's best to break it off because he's obviously blinded by his feelings meaning that he just thinks he likes you.

Also if you don't like him that means there is someone else out there that does, so it's best to not keep him tied down. Trust me you are not an asswhole because the truth hurts and the truth is you guys aren't for each other. I have to admit he does sound like an incredibly cute guy ,but don't let that stop you from making a decision.

-Don't be too hard on him, and make sure you stay friends because you can't waste 6 years of friendship.

-I really hope I helped you and if you have any other problems regarding this or anything please come to me again, Thank you for comeing to me and I really hope it works out tough love is one of the most important things I use because sometimes people don't really see what's in front of them

Remember Always, Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer, I'll always love you guys <3 

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