Three Guys One Friend

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Hi :D I just wanna say I think your advice is really, really good. So I have 2 problems, (I'll change the names for you so you wont have to do it haha :)

1) I have a friend, Rose, she likes this guy, Jacob, but she NEVER talks to him (like they've never even said something simple like "hi") and lately I have started to see him everywhere (I even had a dream about him) and I think im starting to like him. Rose is kinda protective of him, like the 1st time my friend Jack saw him he told Rose "I can see why you like him, he's cute" and Rose just went all "HES MINE!" I'm not scared of her so that's not why I'm scared of telling her (I told my best friend Emily about this and she said that I probably shouldn't tell Rose) and I just feel like a complete bitch because I'm starting to like Jacob.

2) Ok so my friend Jack and sometimes he just starts saying really descriptive stories about him and his past boyfriends and I just don't know how to tell him to tone it down without feeling like a bitch

3) (I know I said it's only 2 ,but I just remembered this 1) so I was starting to like this boy Andrew ,but that sortta changed after I met Jacob and I just wanted to know what I should have done, so  met him and we talked for 10 minutes and after that we havent really talked, Iv'e seen him around but Iv'e been hiding from him (I hid for like a week)

P.s I just started to like Jacob last friday and I was starting to like Andrew 2 weeks ago...& sorry if this is kinda confusing...

Response/Solution/Recommendation(for now)

Ok I find half of this extremely hilarious. Ok don't mind that so what you HAVE to do is get your feelings in check. You have to figure out if you want to stay friends with Rose because sometimes you have to risk things to get around problems. Though I recommend that you do not I repeat do NOT risk everything just for boys. So if your going to save your friendships you need to also figure out who you like, meaning you should really just get to know these boys first.

Trust me I once just started liking someone on the spot and that did'nt turn out good because later on I found out he's a jerk. So to avoid that you have to "open up your eyes and then you'll see". When you find out what you want PM me again with the new information. As for the whole not being a complete b*tch to Jack just tell him the truth and tell him how you feel, if he gets mad he'll come around ,but if you talk to him the right way then you have no problem with him :)

-Gosh that was long ,but I enjoyed it :D anyway I really do hope you come back after you follow my instructions ,but if it doesn't work don't kill me don't commit murder woman!! :D Though I'm sure if you do follow them then.......BAM!!......half the problem is gone so then when you come back we can solve the whole problem (hopefully or maybe 3/4's of it)

-P.S Be on the look out for the second part which is gonna be "Three Guys One Friend: Part 2"

-Remember Always, Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3 bye my lovely fans :)

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