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This is the first official update of Pure enjoy!

Sum up of Chapter:

"When I'm Gone, just carry on, don't mourn 

Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice  

Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling  

And I didn't feel it dang, so baby don't feel no pain  

Just smile back"

~Eminem {When I'm Gone}


Xx Briella's Pov xX

Enraged. Never thought I'd know the feeling, until it took over my well-being...  

Why am I so enraged?

Because tomorrow, me and my mother are moving halfway across the world to a little town in London.  

My life here, in Georgia, took years to make perfect.  

Now ruined, because of my mom's job transfer to become a psychologist.

"Briella, please speak to me," my mom begged.

We currently, were sitting across from each other at the dining room table having "A Talk".  

Well, she was talking... I just sat there, and pretended to listen.  

For a long time now, I haven't spoken to my mother, because I'm afraid if I do, I'll take my anger out on her...

I mean seriously... Who would want to leave their stabled lives behind for one that will take years to maintain again?  

Besides, there would be so much to miss in Georgia!

The beaches, all of my family, and most importantly; my best friend in the entire world: Mackenzie.

Just the thought of her cheery image made a smile appear on my face.  

Then I'm just viciously slapped back to reality, where I might not see her again. Ever.

"Briella... look, I'm sorry, I really am, but it's for the best, I mean, think about our past... we could finally forget about it completely!"  

I cringed when she said "our past", because it only brought back bad memories. But still, I was silent.

"Even more so, since your father died, we could forget about him... he would want us to go, and create a better life," she added.

"No! Do not bring dad up as an excuse for yourself! He loved us to death, and built the structures of our lives himself! He worked to make our lives healthy, and acceptable. But now that he is gone you are just going to waste everything he ever lived for! HOW DARE YOU!  


Oops, there it is. I knew I'd explode sometime...  

Without glancing back, I bolted inside, up the stairs, and into my room while locking the door behind me. All I wanted to do now, was sleep. But I couldn't. I don't have a bed anymore.  

My bed was shipped off a few days ago, and in those few day, I have been sleeping on the hardwood flooring of my empty bedroom. And it's been God awful.

God. Thoughts of my dad seeped through my brain, and tugged at my heart strings.  

'Please take care of him God' I silently prayed.

I slid down against my door, and hugged my knees tightly, as I began to sob my heart out.  

I miss him so much, but facts are facts. He is never coming back... and never will.  

I though back to when I received that phone call from the Police Department. They told a story of how when he was constructing a local building, he slipped, fell, and snapped his neck in two.

It may sound dumb, but when I heard of my father's death, I felt my dad's injury... The pain he went through, and his death in general hurt me physically from the inside out. His death was painful, but quick... And sometimes I felt like when I experienced his death, a part of me died also... 

It had physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred me for life to have my father not be around. Ever.

My thoughts went away, when I heard my phone start to play "Oath" by Cher Floyd.  

I scurried on my hands and knees over to the windowsill, where I had last left my phone. When I found it, I grabbed it, and answered the caller. Mackenzie!

"H-Hello?" I squeaked.

"Hey! Wait... what's wrong? Are you crying? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? IF THEY DID, I'LL KICK THEIR APPLE SAUCES!!!"  

Typical Mackenzie to be in her big sister mode, but that's just her personality.

"No Mackenzie, I'm fine. I'm just extremely upset on how I'll never see you again. Probably never!" I cried out to her.

"No Briella, don't think like that! I'll be able to come and visit monthly" she declared.

I sniffled. "Pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise" she promised.

I smiled into the phone. Mackenzie always knew how to cheer me up when bad news happens. That's why I'm going to miss her...



"It'll be okay..."

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces hearing that she feels thing will be okay. Even worse that she agrees with my mom.  

But if Mackenzie says It's going to be okay, than it will be... I trust her opinion more than anyone else's.

"Okay" I whispered.  

And with that, she hung up. I saw the clock on my phone, and it read 11:11 pm

"This night doesn't need to end" I groaned.

Then I let sleep take me, as I fell asleep on the uncomfortable hardwood flooring.


So that is Update One...  

Good? Bad? MEHHH....? 

If it was bad, it's only the first chapter, so COOL YOUR BUNS! (;

Okay, here is the deal: Comment, Vote, Fan and Follow, and I will Update(:

Good deal?

Till next time MAH MARSHMELLOWS♥


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