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After about an hour of walking, Harry finally let Juliet down and said,"We're here."

Juliet looked at the lit up diner, only a few cars in the small parking lot.

"Why did we come here," Juliet asked, following Harry to the entrance.

"I want to get to know you better," Harry said, opening the door and letting Juliet go in first.

"So this is our date?"

Harry was silent for a moment and then replied,"If that's what you want to call it, then yeah I guess we're going on a date."

They both walked into the small diner, classic rock quietly playing while the place smelled of coffee and a few voices talked about different things. A lady came up to the pair and smiled,"Hello! Welcome to Ma's Diner, follow me to your booth!"

Juliet and Harry followed the woman to the selected booth and they both sat down in a booth, grabbing a menu that was sitting on the table.

"My name is Ellie, and I'll be your waitress. What would you two lovebirds like to drink," The overly excited woman asked the pair. Juliet blushed at her words and quietly responded,"Can I have a Coke?"

Ellie nodded and scribbled down her order, and then looked over at Harry who was staring at Juliet.

"Um, a Coke too please," He spoke quickly, looking down.

"Okay! I'll be back in a moment with your drinks!"

And so Ellie walked away, leaving Juliet and Harry in silence.

"Why were you staring at me," Juliet murmured, going back to her shy personality.

"Because you're beautiful," Harry responded,"But anyway, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, you're the one who carried me here."

"True, but seriously what do you want to know about me?"

Juliet thought about several things that were a bit more complex but she decided to go with a simple question,"Why did you move here?"

"The last place I lived, I had a terrible reputation and I wanted to come back to where I grew up. Now what do you like to do for fun," He spoke.

"I like to listen to music, draw, write poetry, and do my friend's makeup. I'm fascinated with the idea that someone can change their face with makeup, but I'm afraid to do it on myself so I usually do it on Hannah or her boyfriend, Louis," She giggled at the last part.

"Anyway, what do you want to eat," Harry asked fiddling with the menu.

"I'm not that hungry, maybe some fries would be good."

"Same, do you want to share some then?"

"Sure, that'd be delightful."

Ellie came back with their drinks and sat them down, then she asked them,"Are you guys ready to eat?"

"Yes, can we just get a large basket of fries please," Harry spoke quickly, feeling the waitress' eyes trailing over his body.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back with your order."

And as soon as she walked away, Harry blew a sigh of relief and said,"God, she couldn't make it obvious enough. It's fine though, I got my eyes on another girl," and then he winked towards Juliet.

Juliet blushed at his gesture, and then grabbed her drink, sipping quietly while Harry gazed at her. She couldn't help but giggle when he accidentally spilt a bit of his drink on himself while still staring at her.

"Don't laugh at me, I'll make you spill your drink if you don't stop."

But she continued to laugh, so Harry reached across the table and tipped her drink, causing it to get all over her leggings.

"Harry," She squealed.

"I told you I would do it," He began to laugh,"See how it feels!"

She pouted and said,"I want to go home now, my legs are going to be sticky now."

"Okay, I'll tell the waitress to cancel our order and I'll pay for the drinks, would it make you feel better if I carried you back?"



They were almost back to Juliet's house when Juliet yelled out,"Let's go to the park for a few minutes!"

So Juliet dragged Harry to a large tree, sitting down underneath it. Juliet laid her head on one of the roots and Harry followed her actions, laying beside her. The bright stars were shining through the branches.

"This is my favorite place to go when my mom is being mean. To lie down and look up at the infinite amount of stars in the sky, it's peaceful, beautiful really," Juliet spoke.

"You know what else is beautiful," Harry asked.

"What else is beautiful, Harry?"



this gave me feels omg goodbye



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