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"Juliet, can I come in?"

Juliet's breath hitched. She hoped she wouldn't have had to answer the dreaded question that Harry had asked her a few days ago. But she couldn't stop herself from saying,"Come in."

He came in quietly and shut the door behind him, then leaning against it. They eyed each other, neither of them saying a word. Harry slowly walked over and  sat down next to her on her bed.

"You know, I meant what I said the other day," He quietly spoke, gently pushing a piece of Juliet's hair behind her ear.

Juliet sat there, as quiet as can be. She sat there, thinking about all the possibilities, the pros and cons, that could come from her even considering giving Harry a chance.

"I don't know Harry, I-," Juliet spoke before Harry cut her off.

"Listen I know that my first impression wasn't exactly the best," Harry awkwardly chuckled and continued,"But there's this thing about you, Juliet. I can't stay away from you."

Juliet smiled just at the fact that Harry was showing some sort of other emotion besides jealously and anger. 'He seemed like a teenage boy confessing his feelings for his crush, it's cute,' she thought.

Juliet stayed silent though. She didn't want to ruin this moment that showed that he had other emotions, that he was allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of her.

"Please, let me take you out somewhere or something.," Harry spoke, grabbing both of Juliet's hands.

"When?," Juliet said.

"How about tomorrow?"

"Alright, see you then."


Juliet got dressed as soon as she woke up, seeing as Harry seemed like the type of guy to not give someone a warning as to when he was coming.

So Juliet went throughout her normal day, going to school and then going to the river to draw and listen to her music. She hadn't heard from Harry all day, which seemed weird. But she didn't pay any mind to it till it was about 8pm.

By that time, she was upset. Harry wanted to show his feelings but he was gonna stand her up on a date. She hadn't realized she had drifted off to sleep until her phone went off, signaling that someone had texted her.

Juliet wakes up to her phone vibrating. Grunting in annoyance, she grabs her phone and checks the time.


Why would someone be texting me right now?

She quickly unlocked her phone and opened up the messages app. She looked at the top of the screen and saw the name in which the messages. were coming from. Harry.

harry: i'm sorry for kind of ditching you

harry: but if you're down for coming out with me for this lovely night, i would loved if you'd join me

harry: i like being in your presence

harry: even when i'm annoying you

harry: you know what

harry: open your window

harry: juliet wake up and open your damn window

Juliet was surprised at the completely 180° Harry's attitude had taken. Maybe he did mean what he said. She stood up from her bed and yawned, stretching her arms up. She began to walk to the window, with no struggle, she pulled it up and looked down to see Harry leaning against the tree in the front yard, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Harry, what are you doing," Juliet whisper yelled out the window.

Harry took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew out the smoke, and then said,"I told you, I can't sleep. So come down here and come walk with me."

"Harry, I can't leave right now! It's 3am and what if my mom wakes up?"

"She left an hour ago for work, she wont be home until 10am. She left a key out for me to come check on you and make sure you went to school."

Juliet stuck her head out the window and looked at the driveway, seeing that it was empty. So she groaned and replied with,"Okay, give me 5 minutes to get dress and at least look somewhat presentable."

"And if you're not out here in exactly 5 minutes, I'm coming up there and throwing you over my shoulder," Harry spoke, pulling a key from his pocket.

So Juliet quickly walked away from the window and pulled off her shirt, throwing it into the dirty clothes basket. She opened her clothes drawer and grabbed a white tee shirt, slipping it on and then grabbed a pair of black leggings. She tried to put them on without falling, in which she succeeded. She grabbed her denim jacket that was laying on the edge of her bed and quickly slipped it on.

The door opened to reveal Harry, with a wide grin on his face.

"It hasn't even been 5 minutes! Why did you come up here," Juliet pouted, grabbing a pair of socks and her black converse.

"It was getting boring standing down there by myself. Plus I was hoping I could catch you in just your bra and underwear, but I have failed," Harry sighed.

Juliet scoffed and slipping on her socks, then her shoes. She jumped up from the bed and grabbed her phone, turning to Harry and saying,"Are we ready to go now?"

"Not just yet," Harry said, walking towards her.

"What do you me--," Juliet began but was cut off by her own squeal when Harry lifted her small body and put it over his shoulder.

"Now we're ready to go," Harry spoke, walking out of the room with Juliet squirming on his shoulder.

(aw cute harry is bein sweet)

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