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Juliet quickly walked downstairs to see Louis cleaning the living room. He smiled and said,"Hey Juliet, do you feel better? Harry tol--"

"How do you know Harry," She asked unexpectedly.

"I met him at that music store on Main Street and we just became friends, why are you wondering?"

"No reason, but can you give me a ride home?"

"Well since my mom came home and saw the remnants of the party, she took my keys. I would if I could though, sorry Jules."

So Juliet had no choice but to text Harry. She slipped on the leather jacket Hannah had let her borrow and sat on the curb in front of Louis' house. She pulled out the crumpled piece of paper and looked at the number, texting it.

juliet: i don't like you

juliet: at all

harry: hm that's not how you were acting last night

juliet: i don't even remember what i did shut up and come pick me up from louis' house

harry: on my way babe

The nickname made her feel sick to her stomach, but yet she liked it oddly. She hated to admit it, after the horrible words that were spoken to her, she still felt attracted to him. His long hair, jade eyes, inked skin. He had the appearance of an angel, but his personality just ruined it all.

It wasn't long before Harry got out of an old '67 Impala, dressed in all black and a cigarette hanging from his lips. He opened the passenger door and smirked, saying,"Get in, babygirl."

That sick feeling came back to her stomach, but at least he was decent enough to open the door for her. She climbed in and he shut the door, taking long strides to his side and climbing in.

"Where do you live?," He question, turning up the music a bit.

"Just drop me off at the bakery."

So Harry started the car back up and began to drive. No words were being spoken, it was quite awkward. Juliet then began to think, 'What happened last night? Did her and Harry do something? Oh god.'

"What happened last night," Juliet said, turning her body towards Harry. His eyes stayed focus on the road and he chuckled.

"Princess, I'm not sure that you want to know," He spoke.

"Is it that bad?"

"No, but to you, it would probably seem like the end of the world. But...if you really wanna know."

Juliet's breathed hitched as Harry began,"Last night, you got wasted off of your ass, you were dancing with your friend Hannah. Having a good time."

"And then you told me you wanted to tell me a secret. So you dragged me into a random bedroom and said the first word you think of when you see me is meanie," He chuckled and continued,"Then you said the second word was Daddy."

"What," Juliet yelled out, covering her mouth with her hands. It wasn't exactly a lie though, but she didn't expect her drunken self to tell him that,"No, no, no."

Harry took a shaky breath and said,"You wanted to call me Daddy, and you did. You straddle me and kissed my neck."

Juliet couldn't believe her own actions, she had never gotten drunk and of course, the most embarrassing thing had to happen to her.

"And then you stopped, and started crying and fell asleep," Harry said. They had arrived at the bakery, so he turned off the car and threw his still lit cigarette bud out the window. He turned towards her and said with a smirk on his face,"Did you really mean what you said? About the Daddy thing?"

Juliet chewed on her bottom lip and looked down at her jean clad legs, and then looked up to see Harry inching closer to her, that damn smirk still on his face.

"Wipe that smirk off of your face before I slap it off," She quietly murmured. She had never had the sort of confidence before, but the fact that Harry was so pleased with the nickname made her upset.

"You didn't answer my question," he spoke inching closer.

Her entire face turned red and she shook her head, trying her best to lie, but Harry knew she was. He hummed in satisfaction and said,"Well, maybe soon we could work something out that would benefit both of us, would you like that, crybaby?"

Juliet scoffed at the nickname, and got out of his car, slamming the car and walking into the bakery. She waved at Dolly and sat in the corner of the room and began to think. She acted so differently when she was around him. Her actions were much harsh around him because he made her have this type of confidence. His cocky attitude and the way he spoke made a feeling of strength and independence surge through her veins. Perhaps it was the vibe that radiated off of him, she couldn't even think of why she felt this way.

She was shaken out of her train of though as her phone vibrated in her pocket, a text appeared on the screen as she pulled out her phone.

harry: that was no way to treat your daddy, babygirl


when harry has no chill, just like me :-) like literally. anyway i hope u have a great day and alSO MERRY CHRISTMAS

(just know parentheses is future chlo until new chapters, just fyi)

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