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daddy ((harry)) got blonde highlights holy fuck daddy looks so fucking good god is real


Juliet sat in her bed, blasting music from her small speakers. She began to write what was on her mind because she probably wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't.

I met a guy in the woods a few days ago, well I first saw him in the bakery. He's a gorgeous man, but his personality says different.

His name is Harry, I think he's new to town.

But anyway, I made a fool of myself last night, I acted so foolish and I did things with Harry that I never would've thought I would do. I called him daddy, even though that wasn't a lie. My drunken self has terrible behavior and I never want to act that way again.

Mom has a guest over now and she's talking so loud, I'm gonna go downstairs and see what she's talking about.

Signed, Juliet x

She closed her journal and turned off her music, getting off her bed and walking out of the room, quietly tip-toeing down the stairs. She moved to doorway of the kitchen, making sure to be quiet. Her eyes widened at the person sitting across from her mother.

The devil himself, Harry.

"So how old are you, Harry," Juliet's mother asked.

"I'm 18, turning 19 soon," Harry said. He finally saw her standing there, just staring. He smirked and kept his eyes on Juliet's fidgeting movements, asking,"I have to use the restroom, can you tell me where it is?"

"Oh yes, it's the second door on the left!"

As soon has Harry stood up, Juliet quickly ran up to her room and started blasting her music once again. It wasn't long before Harry opened her door and closed it, walking up to her.

"My little crybaby, why haven't you replied to any of my texts," He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't want to talk to you," Juliet quietly, holding her journal tightly.

"I don't like it when you talk rudely to me."

"And I don't like the way you texted me earlier, it made me feel weird. Plus I hardly know you since you're all dark and mysterious and don't want to share anything with me, now go away," she said, her voice fading at the end, because she wasn't really sure of her words. Did she really want him to go?

"I don't think you mean that, and also you're the one who mentioned the nickname daddy," Harry sat next to her on the bed.

She scooted further away from him and said," I was drunk, it didn't matter if I meant it or not, now please go back downstairs."

He didn't move a muscle so she took a huge breath as like she was going to scream loudly, so Harry shushed her and stood up, saying,"Okay I'll go back downstairs, but before I go, I have to do something."

"What are you--," Juliet began but was cut off by Harry, slowly leaning in and kissing her softly. Her muscles tensed as his hand went up to her face, holding onto her jaw with a firm grip. She didn't move, she didn't kiss back, all she did was close her eyes. Juliet didn't even realize he pulled away until Harry whispered in her ear,

"I'll see you soon enough, love."

And with that, he went back downstairs and continued to talk to Juliet's mom while Juliet herself was wondering why he did that, and why did she enjoy that.


About 2 weeks later, Juliet hadn't heard anything from Harry. Not one call or text. And to admit, she felt slightly upset. So she decided to text Hannah to see if she could come over so she wouldn't have to wallow in her emotions.

juliet: hannah, u wanna have a sleepover tonight. mom is leaving for work soon

hannah: sure babe, hey do you mind if i invite louis and his friend michael

juliet: waIT michael clifford? as in the michael clifford i had a crush on last year

hannah: mhm now we'll be leaving in about an hour, can't wait to see you <3

Juliet walked downstairs to approach her mother writing down something probably something for work.

"Hey mom, Hannah and two of her other friends are gonna spend the night if that's alright," Juliet said, walking over to the cupboard and getting out a mini pack of Oreos. She wasn't shy when she was around her mother, her mother was her rock. Juliet and her mother had gone through hell and back together.

"Sure, I don't mind sweetheart, but I asked the new neighbor, Harry Styles, to come check up on you while I'm at work," She unexpectedly said. Juliet almost choked on her own saliva. She gulped very loudly.

"Why does he have to come watch me? I'm 17, mom. I know how to take care of myself," Juliet quietly said.

"But honey, teenagers do dumb things, and he seemed like a responsible adult."

So Juliet huffed, stomping back to her room like a young child, and waited as an hour passed by to hear a knock on the door. Once her mother left, she turned on her oldies playlist in the living room so it drifted throughout the entire house.

A loud knock came from the door thinking it was Hannah and the two other guys, but oh boy, was she wrong.

It was the one she planned to get her mind off of, the one and only Harry Styles.

"Hello my little crybaby. Missed me?"


i hope u all had a merry christmas u ho ho hoes

and if u don't celebrate Christmas and celebrate some other holiday, happy holidays hoe <333


(have nothin else to say, keep on movin)

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