15-We're all a little crazy pt.2

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Hey guys, just wanna give a shout out to the amazing _horse_crazy_ for the new cover :) She has a covers book and she takes requests, so check her out if you're interested!

Enjoy the chapter 🃏👑

----------------------------------------------------------- Jerome's POV-

What are the odds that the blind old man had helped me out?

Here I was, listening to jittery old Mr.Cicero ramble on about how I needed to throw the ax off the bridge and blah blah blah.

Why was he even helping me? Eh, I could care less. As long as he helped me get Lyla's body out of the trailer and clean the place up, he was okay with me.

"Jerome, you have to scratch satanist signs on the hatchet, it'll throw the cops off" he instructed, wringing his hands nervously.

I grunted in acknowledgement, more worried about texting Willow for the tenth time. She just wouldn't answer me, and I was starting to get frustrated.

I had finally given up trying to convince her to come out of the room a few hours after she locked herself in, and have been trying to contact her ever since.

"Jerome? Jerome are you listening?" Mr.Cicero called irritably "We can't get caught for this, you need to follow my instructions exactly".

I rolled my eyes at him. amateur...
"Mr.Cicero relax" I emphasized, making giant hand gestures and finding it hilarious that he couldn't actually see them. "We're not gonna get caught! Cops are stupid".

As much as I wanted to go bust Willow's door down and take her home with me, we had a lot left to do.

A body doesn't get rid of itself!


Willow's POV-

The day dragged by. Not knowing where Jerome had gone, or what other horrible things he could be doing was messing with my mind.

There were multiple occasions on which I contemplated heading down the to the GCPD, finding Detective Gordon, and telling him every. I quickly discarded the idea, knowing that I didn't have the guts to do it.

Jerome may be a murderer, and he may be insane, but I would never be able to live with myself if I put him behind bars.

My mother had told me horrible stories about Arkham, and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if my Jerome was stuck in there.

I called Jade to come pick me up to get my mind off of everything, but I didn't dare tell her what happened. We spent the day shopping, getting our nails done, and doing other dumb girly stuff to pass the time.

After she dropped me back off at my apartment, I was a mess. I just kept pacing, I couldn't get my mind off of Jerome.

What was he doing? Was he hurting someone? Was he okay?

I couldn't stand it any longer. Quickly getting dressed, I hopped in my car and headed straight for Haly's Circus.


As soon as I pulled up, I knew something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones, a tingling sensation that something was horribly amiss.
Parking the car, I jogged over to the trailer; what I saw upon arrival made my blood run cold.

Detective Gordon's back was facing me, and he was questioning a quite fragile looking Jerome. The last remaining Valeska was hugging himself, tears glistening in his eyes as he looked genuinely concerned. It was a complete contrast to the Jerome that had been smiling maniacally while he boasted about killing his mother.

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