3- The front of the class pt.3

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- 6 years ago -

The incident on the playground had not gone unpunished.

Jerome had been suspended for a week, and the principle was considering expelling him, but said that it was up to Mrs.Wyatt. He was giving her a week to decide whether or not to expel him.

She thought expelling him was a bit harsh, but then again..
Jerome had acted like a wild animal, thrashing around until they were finally able to restrain him in the office. Then he had stared at the blood on his knuckles and laughed. It was a maniacal laughter that sent chills down the spines of everyone in the room.

Mrs.Wyatt would never admit it, but he frightened her. Yes, Angela Wyatt a 30 year old woman, was scared of a 10 year old boy. But he was no ordinary 10 year old boy, that much was clear.

Although Willow was frightened after seeing a new side of Jerome, she was lonely without him. She missed him terribly, and the week he was away for suspension seemed to drag on.

She was currently at lunch, picking at her food with disinterest. "Whats wrong Willow?" her friend Jade asked, poking her in the shoulder. Willow only shrugged.

"Is someone missing Jerooome?" Jade said, dragging out the word and wiggling her eyebrows.
Willow blushed "No!" she said defensively. Jade gave Willow a look, but dropped the subject.


A few days later, Jerome was back at school. All Willow wanted to do when she saw him was run to him and wrap her arms around him, but she just couldn't get the image of Jerome pummeling that boy on the play ground out of her head.

Throughout the class, Jerome tried getting her attention, but she ignored him. He threw a piece of paper on her desk, and she tossed it in the trash can by her desk. Jerome frowned in confusion, but looked away and focused on what Mrs.Wyatt was saying.

At recess Willow tried to avoid Jerome, but he eventually cornered her by the slide.

Willow rolled her eyes at his childishness "Move, Jerome" she demanded, trying to move past him.
"No, not until you tell me why you're mad at me" he said, blocking her path. Willow let out a frustrated sigh, and looked anywhere but Jerome.

He stepped closer to her. "Willow... Are you, scared of me?" he said curiously. Willow stiffened "N-no" she said.
Jerome examined her for a little while longer, twirling a piece of her hair between his finger before he smiled at her. "Okay" he chirped "lets go swing". The overly excited ginger clasped Willow's hand and tugged her towards the swings.

Later in the day, Jerome sat doodling on a piece of paper at his desk. Mrs.Wyatt was growing increasingly annoyed at him not paying attention.
"Jerome, give me the paper" she demanded.

Jerome refused, and shoved it into his pocket so she couldn't see what he was drawing. "Give it to me, or throw it away" she said impatiently. Jerome shrugged nonchalantly, and walked over to toss it in the garbage.

At the end of the class, Jerome stayed in his seat while the rest of the students filed out.

"Can I help you Jerome?" Mrs.Wyatt said nervously. Jerome didn't answer, just sat and glared at her. When he finally got up to leave, he stopped to stand in front of her desk.

"Y'anno" he said tilting his head to the side "You really should smile more". Her blood ran cold as he flashed her a cynical smile before slowly walking out of the room.

Once Jerome was gone, the teacher walked over to the trash can and pulled out his crumpled paper.
The drawing had a picture of a woman and a clown on a bed, doing god knows what. The woman was labeled "MOM" in Jerome's sloppy fourth grader handwriting, and a smaller figure with bright orange hair labeled "ME" washing dishes and doing various other chores.

Mrs.Wyatt flipped the paper over and her eyes widened in shock. This time Jerome was no longer in the picture, but the "mom" and the clown were both on the bed with large amounts of red crayon around them, which could only be blood. All around the rim of the paper, 'Ha Ha Ha' was scribbled in black crayon.

Mrs.wyatt folded up the disturbing drawing and headed for the principals office. She had made up her mind.


Mrs.Wyatt was currently sitting in the office, across from Jerome and his mother, Lyla Valeska, who had finally decided to show up.

Principal Vahn stood to the left of the table. "Mrs.Valeska, this meeting is being held today to discuss expelling Jerome from this school" Mr.Vahn said in a serious tone. Lyla only shrugged and pulled out a cigarette to smoke.

"There's no smoking in here Mrs.Valeska" Mr.Vauhn chided. She rolled her eyes, shoving the cigarette back in her purse.

"Make it snappy, Ive got an act at the circus in an hour" Lyla snapped.
"Jerome has been having behavioral issues ever since he arrived at this school" Mrs.Wyatt explained.

Lyla glared at Jerome "Is that so, you little shit?" she spat "You just wait till we get home". Jerome hung his head.
"We've also been noticing bruises on him quite frequently" The teacher continued.

"Well, he's a clumsy boy" Lyla said, waving her hand dismissively. Mrs Wyatt looked at Principle Vahn uneasily, but continued.

"He had an incident on the playground with another student last week. The other student was hurt pretty badly, and that's why Jerome was suspended. He's also had multiple outbursts in class, and he drew this in class as well." Mrs.Wyatt handed Lyla the drawing, and Jerome paled beside her.
After looking it over, Lyla snorted.

"You tryna make me look bad?" she said, slapping the back of Jerome's head.

"No" he said through gritted teeth.
"We've decided that we can't over look his behavior" Mr.Vahn said, breaking the tension. "He's being expelled, but he can attend school for the rest of the week.

"Whatever" Lyla said carelessly. "Back to homeschooling for you". She grabbed Jerome's arm and began ushering him out of the room.
"Mrs.Wyatt, all you have to do sign the papers to finalize it". Mr.Vahn said in a tired voice.

Before Jerome walked out, he looked back at Mrs.Wyatt, and gave her a dark look that made her blood run cold.

"Don't forget to smile" he mouthed to her before busting out in a fit of laughter.

She would never forget that laugh for the rest of her life. And she'd never signed papers as fast as she signed the papers the permanently expelled Jerome Valeska.


Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll update soon I promise. And the next chapter will be the last one like this, before it gets to the good stuff ;)


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