1-The front of the class.

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6 years ago

Mrs.Wyatt placed a finger over her lips as she attempted to quite down her rowdy 4th graders.

"Boys and girls" she scolded.
"Quiet down I have an announcement to make." She waited for the students to stop talking before she continued.

"We have a new student joining our class today". The kids buzzed with excitement as she continued.
"He's been homeschooled his whole life, so be nice to him understood?". She received multiple responses from the curious students.

The teacher stepped into the hall for a moment before ushering in a timid boy. The class examined him, from his pale face dusted with freckles, to his curly red hair.

"Say hello to the class. Tell them your name, and a few thing about yourself" Mrs.Wyatt urged.
The boy turned and gave the class a large smile. "Hello" he spoke confidently "I'm Jerome".

All eyes in the class were on the odd new student, who was easily the tallest kid in the class despite being only 10.
"My favorite animals are snakes" he continued "and I live in a circus". The class giggled, causing him to frown in confusion.

The teacher quickly shushed the class before allowing Jerome to choose a seat. The ginger boy chose a seat at the front of the class, smile returning to his face.

While the teacher continued her lecture, Jerome began to observe the girl seated next to him. She was small for their age, with short dark brown hair and lighter brown eyes.

About half way through the class, the girl began to get irritated with the odd new boy staring at her, and turned to face him. "What?" she whispered in an annoyed voice.

Jerome smiled, unfazed by her attitude. "Hi" he whispered back. The smaller girl was taken aback by his cheeriness, and found her self smiling too. "Hi" she whispered.

Mrs.Wyatt placed her hands on her hips at the front of the room. "You two, no chit chat, save it for recess". She scolded.

The two remained silent, but continued sneaking glances and small smiles throughout the class.


It was snowing outside but the kids still had to go out to recess. Jerome wandered around before spotting the girl from the classroom on the swings.
Smiling, he bounded up to her and tapped her shoulder. She smiled when she saw him.

"I never got your name" he said, taking a seat on the swing beside her.
"Willow" she said shyly.

The two talked and got to know each other all through recess.
"Whats your dad do?" Willow asked curiously. Jerome smiled sadly "He was a sea captain named Sven Carlson, but he died" he mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sorry" Willow replied. Jerome only shrugged.

The two kids blew out puffs of breath in the chilly air, giggling in amusement as they pretended they were smoking.
"Whats your mom do?" she asked. Jerome's face took on a sour expression, but he answered anyway.
"She's a snake dancer..."
Willow nodded, pushing her swing back and fourth.

"Its time to go in" he said sadly. Willow's heart fluttered as the odd new boy smiled at her and took her cold hand in his to lead her away from the playground.


At lunch Willow made her way into the cafeteria, searching for a place to sit.
She saw Jerome at a table with lots of other kids around him. They had taken a liking to him because he was funny and could make them laugh.

She made her way toward him, but tripped on something, maybe someones foot. She fell down and her tray of spaghetti was all over her.
All eyes in the lunch room were on her. Willow hated attention, and begun to cry.

"Hey look, its weeping Willow!" one of the kids jeered, causing the lunch room to erupt in laughter.
Suddenly Jerome was at her side, helping her to her feet and picking noodles from her short brown hair. Willow stared at him in awe through teary eyes. He lead her to the hall way so she could clean herself up.

"Thank you" she whispered, brushing her clothes off. Jerome smiled cheekily at her.

"Well, as cute as you looked with spaghetti all over you, I figured you could use a hand" he replied, laughing at his own joke. Willow blushed, and began laughing along with him.

"You see" he said, gingerly wiping her tears "there's nothing more contagious than laughter".

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