6- The Crash

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Willow's POV-

I loved my mom. I really did. Other than Jade, she was my best friend. I've always been close with my mother. Even when my dad was around, I was a certified mama's girl.

I felt like I could trust her with anything. From the time I was a child and fessed up to cutting out a chunk of my cousins hair, to my first year of highschool when I confided in her after my first heart break. Well, second heart break if you count Jerome. But after the Jerome incident, she had taken me out for ice cream and assured me that I had dodged a bullet, because boys had cooties anyways.

"Willow" she had said "In a few years, you are going to be a beautiful, strong, independent women. And Jerome Valeska will mean nothing to you. You'll forgot about him, and make new friends, and you'll have a smokin' hot boyfriend that treats you right" she had said, nudging me in the arm. I had giggled, wiping my tears and hugging my mom.

"Rhae. Momma loves you" she had smiled. "I love you too Momma" ten year old me had replied. Then we had finished our ice cream and gone shopping.

Ironically enough, Ben had broken my heart. And what was my mom doing? Taking me out for ice cream.

We were in the car, on the way to our favorite ice cream parlor.
"M-Mom" I sobbed in the passenger seat "He hooked up with Marcy Reynolds. Why her of all people?".

My mom patted my shoulder reassuringly. "Sweetheart. Don't you cry over him. Ben is nothing. If he could go as low as cheating on you because you wouldn't sleep with him, he wasn't worth it to begin with".

I nodded in agreement, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. I chuckled.

"What?" my mom said, confused at my sudden mood change. I shrugged "Maybe just the fact that we're going for ice cream in the middle of winter" I laughed. My mom gazed out the window, as if it had just dawned on her that it was snowing heavily.

"I guess you're right" she laughed. I loved my mom's smile. It was bright, and reassuring. It always made me feel as of everything would be ok.

A few minutes later, we were in the ice cream parlor. We got what we had always got, Dutch chocolate for me, and cherry vanilla for her. We chatted over our ice cream, mainly about boys.

   "I just, can't believe he actually cheated on me" I ranted "I thought he was a good guy, he acted so sweet!".  My mom shook her head slowly.

  "You gotta watch out for the sweet ones hun. They'll act like the perfect guy, just to get into your pants. And then they're gone". She crooned. She got a far away look in her eyes.

   "Mom, you alright?" I asked concerned. She turned to me, suddenly full of seriousness.

   "Willow, there's something I need to tell you". I scrunched my face in confusion. "What is it?" I pressed. She took a deep breath. "I should have told you this a long time ago. But I just couldn't, I think you're old enough to know the truth now Rhae".

   What could my mom have hidden from me? I've never seen her this serious before, and it was honestly freaking me out. "It's about your father" she stated, tears brimming in her eyes. I stilled in my seat. Was I finally going to learn what happened to my dad after all these years?

   "This all might sound a little crazy, but I need you to trust me sweetheart. Save your questions for the end. I'll start from the beginning" she started shakily. I nodded, letting her know that I was all ears.

  "your father, was no ordinary man. He had... Issues. You're a smart girl, and I think you're old enough to handle what I'm about to tell you".

  I squirmed in my seat, suddenly feeling a great deal of pressure put on me. She took another shaky breath before continuing.

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