10- Rest In Peace

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-3 weeks later-

Jerome's POV-

"That'll be $4" I droned in boredom, handing the couple their Tickets.

It was a Saturday afternoon, and what was I doing? Handing out tickets for the circus's shitty performance.

Although I got payed for it, most of the money went to Lyla. After handing out the last ticket, I trotted back to the trailer.

My hand stopped on the handle of the door after hearing unpleasant noises coming from inside.

Letting out a grunt in disgust, I slid my back down the door of the trailer and let my head fall back against it.

I jumped as my phone vibrated in my pocket, and pulled the device out to answer the call.


"Hey Jerome. They're releasing me. Will you come get me?" it was Willow.

These past few weeks, I had been on cloud nine after things with Willow went well. We'd been spending time together and were becoming really close friends.

"Yeah of course, yeah I'm on my way" I replied, getting to my feet. Ugh, that means I have to go in and get my car keys. Attempting to open the door quietly, I slip in and grab the keys.

"Jerome?" Lyla hollers from her bedroom "is that you?". 'Great, now I'm gonna be here for a while' I thought bitterly.

"Yes Lyla it's me"

"Don't call me Lyla, I'm your mother" she slurs, slinking out of her room to light a cigarette in the kitchen.

She smells like cigarettes and sex.
"Sorry mother" I growl, scrunching my nose in disgust.

"Where you goin?" she quizzes, taking a puff from the cancer stick.

"Picking up my friend from the hospital. I'll be back later" I snap impatiently.

"Where's my money?" she says, coughing out a puff of air.

I slap a wad of money on the table, hurrying out the door before she can complain about wanting more.


I was in the middle of helping Willow out of bed and into her wheelchair when a tall mid aged man entered the room.

"Hello Willow" he greeted politely "My name is detective Jim Gordon. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the accident".

After gently setting Willow into the wheelchair, I asked her if she wanted me to leave.

"No it's okay Jerome, Stay" she smiled softly.

I stood by the door and allowed detective Gordon to sit as he questioned Willow.

She played with her fingers nervously as she replayed the events of the accident to Gordon, who took notes and nodded sympathetically at her.

"And who is this?" Gordon's rough, authoritive voice was now directed at me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, pointing a thumb at my chest.

"That's my friend Jerome" Willow replied, smiling in my direction.

Gordon stood from his chair and gave me a firm hand shake. "You witnessed the accident correct?" he inquired.

"Yeah. Uhm, yes that was me" I nodded sheepishly.

"The other driver didn't survive. Do you no anything about that?" he quizzed.

I felt my body stiffen. Why was he asking about the other driver? The other driver was the son of a bitch that killed Willow's mother. While I did nothing to help the man trapped in the car, I did nothing to speed up the process of his death either. I couldn't go to jail for that, could I? Could this Gordon guy know something?

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