4-The Front of the Class (final pt.)

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- 6 years ago -

Jerome only had a few days left to attend school like a normal kid his age before he had to go back to homeschooling.

He was really not looking forward to it. 'Homeschooling' as Lyla called it, was him attending to her beg and call, and staying cooped up in their trailer with nothing to entertain his ten year old mind. There was no education involved.

He really hadn't meant to get himself kicked out of school, he just seemed to ruin every opportunity he got. He liked going to school, he really did. It gave him time away from Lyla and the circus, and he got to be around other kids his age.

He was learning all types of new things, and it excited him. He was bursting with new information and all he wanted to do was tell someone about it all. But when he returned home to a mother that was passed out drunk, reality crashed down on him.

He sometimes talked to Mr.Ciscero, but the blind fortune teller wasn't much to talk to.

He did have Willow though. They'd sit together on the swings at recess and he'd talk to her about anything. She always just sat and listened patiently, and sometimes that was all he needed.

He was currently at the small table in their trailer, crumpling up paper after paper and tossing it over his shoulder in frustration. Tomorrow was their Valentines day party and he had no idea what to write for Willows card. He wanted to make it special, but he just couldn't get it right.

He got a clean sheet of paper and tried again.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.

Jerome groaned, crumpling and tossing the paper. "Too cheesy". He let his orange head thump down on the table in defeat. He was absolutely no good at poetry.

Just then he heard giggling from outside. He instantly jumped up and tried to clean up the paper mess. The door flung open and an intoxicated Lyla and one of the men from the circus walked in.

"Whats all this mess!" she slurred. "Sorry i'm picking it up" Jerome mumbled, trying not to anger her.

"Damn right you are!" she said, tossing a beer bottle against the wall above where Jerome stood. He winced as the glass shards rained down around him, and the circus man laughed in amusement.

Lyla and her new companion finally retreated into her bedroom, and Jerome was left to clean up the mess. He sat at the table, trying to think of what to put on Willows card for tomorrow. Even though it was hard to focus with all the noise coming from the other room, he thought he finally knew what to say.


Willow and Jerome sat on the swings together at recess. He had already put his card in her valentines box and was extremely nervous.

"Whats wrong wrong J?" Willow said in a concerned tone. "You're not talking much today". Jerome shrugged "I'm just sad that I have to leave in a couple days" he confessed. it wasn't a complete lie.

Willow nodded sadly "I'm gonna miss you" she mumbled. "Don't worry, we'll stay in touch" he assured with a smile.
He noticed that she was staring at his hair more than usual today. "Wanna touch it?" he asked, inclining his head toward her. She nodded eagerly, and dug her fingers into his messy red locks. Jerome laughed as she played with his hair, but his anxiety returned when the bell rang to go back inside.

It was time to read the cards.


All the kids in the class were at their desks, waiting impatiently for Mrs.Wyatt's signal to open their valentines boxes.

"Go ahead kids" the teacher finally announced. The kids eagerly dumped the contents of their boxes onto their desks, rummaging around for candy, and examining their cards.

Jerome glanced across the room to see if Willow had opened his card yet, only to see her eagerly watching him as well. They both giggled, and reach for their cards.

Willow's card to Jerome was a heart made out of red construction paper, bordered with white lace. On the inside it said:

J- ust simply adorable
E- nough to make me melt
R- ed headed sweetheart
O- range boy
M- ine
E- specially hilarious

Jerome's mouth stretched into a wide grin and he vowed to keep the card forever.

Jerome's card to willow was a plain white piece of paper with willow's name on it and doodles of hearts and flowers all around the border. Inside the card, it said:

Roses are red, laughter's contagious, if you're not my Valentine, you're completely outrageous.

Willow smiled happily. He asked her to be his Valentine! They both shared a knowing look across the room. Neither of them could eat their candy out of pure excitement.


At the end of the day, Jerome waited at the end of the hallway for Willow, stomach twisted in knots.

She finally approached him, and they stood in an awkward silence before Willow broke it.
"Yes" she said quickly.
"Yes what" Jerome said with a coy smile.

"Yes I'll be your Valentine!" she said.
Jerome smiled widely and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
They walked out of the school together hand in hand.


Jerome and Willow made the most out of their last days together. Spending almost all of their time together, talking, and just enjoying each other's presence.

It was the end of their last day together, and they both stood outside of the school, not wanting to leave.
"I'm gonna miss you.." Willow said sadly.

"We'll stay in touch Willow" he replied. He felt a pang of guilt as he lied.

Haley's traveling circus was leaving Gotham. Jerome had pleaded with Lyla to stay, but she brushed him off as usual.

As much as it pained Jerome to be leaving Willow, he knew he couldn't tell her the truth. She'd be heart broken, and that's something he couldn't bear to see.

She looked away from him, not wanting him to see her cry. He quickly pulled her into a hug. "Don't cry Willow" he mumbled "Always smile, always laugh".

He pulled away, searching her light brown eyes with his blue ones, trying to memorize them until the next time he got to see them.

"We'll see each other again" he smiled. At the time, she didn't see the truth in those words.

That night, Willow slept soundly without a clue that her class clown was being packed up with the circus and leaving.


Wooo, ok so this was the last chapter from their past/childhood. Next chapter is gonna start the good stuff, be prepared.
Btw I'm doing it in 1st person from now on.


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