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The doctors begin asking me all these questions and how it happened.

I had to explain to them that she didn’t know there was cashews on the cake and that’s he was allergic to them.

And then they asked for my relationship with her. And I knew from my mother being a nurse that they wouldn’t allow you in the room before she was fully awake and healed unless you were family, or the patient’s boyfriend/girlfriend. So I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“Boyfriend. I’m her, um, boyfriend.” I tell the nurse before I can think.

The nurse thanks me and says the doctor will be out shortly to talk to me.

I cant help but pace around the waiting room, running my hands though my hair. I may have only known her for about 2 weeks, but there’s just something that I really like about her. Her smile, her voice, her laugh. I wonder if she feels the same about me? Would the others approve? I shake my head at the thought. Probably not.

“Harry?” says a familiar voice behind me. I turn around to find the rest of the boys and the girls walking into the waiting room.

“Hey you guys.” I say.

“So is she, umm, you know, gonna be alright?” asks Liam. I can tell he feels horrible about what he said to her.

I run my fingers though my hair for like the millionth time.

“I don’t kn-“

“Mr. Styles. Kylie Cutler’s boyfriend.” Says the doctor interrupting me.

“Boyfriend??” whispers Louis with a horrified look on his face.

“I’ll explain later.” I mouth as I walk towards the doctor.

“Hello Mr. Styles. I’m Dr. Younger.”

I shake his hand.

He leads me to his office and tells me to sit.

“There’s nothing to be worried about Mr. Styles. She is stable and is now breathing on her own. And I want to thank you for your bravery and bringing her here yourself. Honestly, if you would’ve waited for the ambulance, I don’t know if she would’ve made it.”

I wave of relief wipes over me. This would not have been good for the girls. Yes, they are our “enemies”, but to just get started as a band and then lose a member like this would have been devastating.

“Thank you so much.” I say standing up and shaking his hand.

“My pleasure.” He says. “Now if you would like to see her, she is in room 313A, just down the hall. She is probably sleeping though.” He says.

I nod and thank him again before leaving the room. I know I should go tell the others the news and explain to Louis about what he heard, but I just need to check on her. To see her. To make sure the doctor was right.

I walk down the hall to her room. I slowly open the door and peek in.

“So how’s your ‘girlfriend’ doing Mr. Styles?” says a voice scaring the shit out of me. I turn around to find Louis standing there with his arms crossed.

“Jesus Louis, you scared the crap out of me.”

“Explain Harry.” He says.

I sigh.

“Louis, I had no choice.”

“Harry you had plenty of choices! Plenty that didn’t have to end with you being considered as ‘her’ boyfriend!”

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