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Kylie’s POV


Simon had arranged us a plane to his house in Spain. He said we would begin planning things there. He said he had a big surprise for us.

We arrived at his house around 2. We were all excited and jumpy. We were ACTAULLY going to go on a WORLD TOUR. It felt amazing to say that!

His maids took our luggage when we got there and his assistant led us to the room where he had meeting with people.

She opened the big wooden door to reveal a large room. It had a large wooden table with tons of chairs.

Except one thing.

5 boys, probably about our age, occupied 5 of those seats.

We all stared at each other with confusion.

Then Simon appeared through another door on the other side of the room.

“Ahh, ladies. Come sit.” He said smiling and motioning us in.

We all slowly took our seats still staring at the 5 mystery boys.

“Well, now that we’re all here, we can begin the meeting.” He said sitting at his seat at the end of the long table.

“Boys, I would like you to meet Fusion Five. They got 3rd place in the latest season of X-Factor USA. And ladies, I would like you to meet One Direction. They were on the latest season of X-Factor UK, and also got 3rd.” he said.

No one said a word. We all just awkwardly stared at Simon and each other.

“Well anyways. The reason your all here is because, I think both of your groups have great potential. And I would like to mix all of that talent together.” He said.

We all looked at him. What was he talking about?

“What I’m trying to say is, you both were told you were going to have a world tour.” He began. “Which you guys are! But, you guys are going to share one tour.”

“What!?” we all shouted in unison.

“Well I don’t see how that’s a problem.” Said Simon. He obviously must’ve thought this was a good idea.

“Uncle Simon.” Said one of the boys with brown hair. He was wearing a stripped shirt and suspenders. He obviously needed to update his closet.

“We are happy that we get a world tour. But WHY do we have to share it? Especially with another band. A GIRL band.” He said saying the ‘girl’ in a disgusted voice.

“Oh you think we’re happy about this?!” spoke up Avery. “Do you really think WE want to SHARE our FIRST world tour with some stupid, ignorant, messy boys!?”

Me and all the girls snickered at her comment.

“I knew it! You guy are just like every other girl band in the world! You guys think you’re the best and that everyone looooves you!” said the one with curly brown hair and green eyes.

“Bullcrap!’ shouted Kamber. “You guys think you’re all that just because girls are all ohhh it One Direction! Let’s go drink tea and eat crumpets with them!” she said in her best high-pitched British accent.

All of the boys gave us evil looks as we laughed.

Simon even chuckled a little.

“Okay, well since you guys obviously have some ‘bonding’ to do, here what the plan is for the next month before you guys start recording your debut albums. All 10 of you will spend 2 weeks in London in the same house. You will live together. Then, you will go to America and spend to weeks living there together in the same house.” He said.

We all groaned at the thought of living in the same house. We have definitely not gotten off to a good start, and now we actually have to LIVE with each other?

Jesus take the wheel…


Niall’s POV


Bitches. That’s all I could think about them was that they were all bitches.

First they insult us about being boys. Then they insult our accents?

Yep. Total bitches.

First, Simon has to announce that we have to SHARE our world tour. Then he announces that we have to LIVE with these girls for a month!?

Shoot me now…

SORRY ITS SHORT GUYS!!! I will update more in the next week or so! xoxo

Battle of the Bands (One Direction Fan-Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon