Chapter Twenty

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(Alisha's P.O.V)

As i opened my eyes, i started to panic. Where was i and who was it that took me? I looked around and noticed i was in some kind of basment. I couldnt move because my hands were bound together. I tried to scream but only then did i notice my mouth was covered by duck tape. My head was pounding but as i tried to ignore it i tried to remember what happened. Marcel must be worried sick, all he wanted to do was be romantic but it just had to be ruined. I started to cry at the thought of Marcel coming after to me, he was so fragil any conflict would harm him.

As the light from outside the window became dark i could hear voices coming from up the stairs. From quiet voices to loud shouting, one of the voices i thought i reconized but i didnt want to beleive it. As the door on the top of the stairs swung open the light was blinding. A tall slender man stood there, i saw him nod his head before he started to walk down the stairs. As he came closer i saw his face, it was just who i thought and i knew exactly what he wanted. Damon, with his ptich black hair, his peircing light blue eyes and that daring smirk. 

"Ah Alisha my darling, finally awake i see!" He spoke with his rough husky tone. A tear escaped from my eyes which causes him to laugh before ripping of the duck tape. "Now im sure you know exactly why your here!"

"Do you honestly think that i care!" I spat back.

"Honestly i do, otherwise you wouldnt have left me knowing id come after you!"

"Damon i knew youd come after me, but i lived my life not caring!"

"Listen Alisha, if you didnt stab me then leave the country this wouldnt be happening right now!"

"It wasnt my choice to leave the country Damon, if anything i would have stayed and maybe stab you again, except in the heart but then again, you dont have a heart!" I said and instantly regreted it when his fist connected with my jaw. It was hard enought to break it but it sure did hurt like a bich.

"Watch what you say bitch!"

"What is it you want Damon?"

"I want you and i knew if i had approuched you, you would have rejected me but because your here with me there is no going anywhere for you."

"You cant keep me here, there are people looking for me!"

"Im not so sure, i mean your two brothers never liked you and your parents, well you see your parents are not going to miss you, and your 'boyfriend' and his family, well just like his dad they will soon be out of the picture aswell."

"You cant, just stop please, i'll do anything just please dont lay a hand on them please!"

"Aw poor little Alisha, i was hoping youd say that!" Damon said as he gripped my by my hair pulling me to my feet.

(Marcel's P.O.V)

After running after the men on the bikes i gave in, i pulled out my phone and dialled 999. I filled a kidnapping and they said they were right on it, i gave them everything i knew about Alisha that they needed to know. They had the discription they needed and i headed back to the house. I was worried about Alisha and didnt know who i should call. I wanted to ring Harry but i knew he was nervous about his audition i wasnt going to ruin it so i called my mother. 

"Marcel, what is it darling, do you need something, is there something wrong with the house?" My mother asked as she answered the phone.

"No mum everything is fine, except" I started but i took a pause. "Its Alisha mum, she's been kidnapped!"

"Oh honey, did you call the police."

"Yes mum and they said they were on it, i gave them her number so they can trace where she is!"

"Where are you, are you ok?"

"Im at the house, im fine but im worried and i dont know how to tell her parents."

"Leave that to me, just go with Harry to his audition and i'll make sure her parents find out." My mother said. I said goobye and hung up the phone before i grabbed my things and headed back into town.

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