Chapter Four

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

After the last class bell rang I made sure I was the last the leave the class. I slowly walked to my locker and put away the books I didn't need and I grabbed all my homework for the night. It was quiet in the hall ways except I heard a girls voice yelling. I closed my locker and slowly walked in that direction to see who it was. As I went to turn the corner I could see her, Alisha was was up against the lockers with that kid Zayn in her face.

"Why'd would you do?" He screamed in get face.

"Just drop it, I get your an angry person but I'm not going to be caught dead around you!" She hissed back at him.

"Do you want your life living hell or will you just accept the fact that your mine!" Zayn asked her, he was so over the top and took things way to far.

"Make it a living hell, I couldn't care less, but Zayn prepared to have me fighting back because I'm not your average girl that would back down!" She said, it sound like she pushed him. Zayn huffed and I heard his foot steps walk away and decided to peak around the corner.

"Are you ok?" I asked her. Alisha looked me up and down then returned her attention to her locker.

"I'm fine! But why are you still here?" She asked me.

"I'm always the last student to leave." I answered her she closed her locker and smiled at me.

"Look if you don't wont a friend I get it but how about we walk home together? She asked me I looked down to the ground and nodded.

(Alisha's P.O.V)

It's a good thing I knew how to handle people like Zayn. As Marcel and I walked out I the school we headed north of the school down churchman ave.

"So I take your first day didn't go to well?" Marcel asked.

"It was alright, I can take care if myself." I answered. Marcel was watching his feet as he walked, like he was afraid to look up. A he was about to speak something caught his attention.

"Hey Alisha, what up with you and the loser?" I heard someone say. I turned towards the road and saw Georgia.

"Zayn caught me after soon and Marcel just happened to be walking in the same direction."

"We'll not anymore, get it!" Georgia said as she opened the door. I looked across at Marcel.

"It's ok, I can walk, I don't live that far away from here." Marcel said. I have him a quick smile and walked over and jumped into the car

"If Zayn saw you with that loser, he'd be pussed!" Georgia said as she drove off.

"He isn't that bad of a kid, just because he looks like a loser doesn't mean he is!" I said.

"Like I said don't mention it to Zayn, now which lovely house is yours?"

"The cream brick one of the left, it has red roses everywhere!" I said. Georgia then pulled up and we both got out. The front door opened and Lucas walked out.

"Where's you car?" He asked.

"Shit, it's still I school!" I said.

"Well your a dumb ass!"

"What do you need it for?"

"Need to see someone before I leave, whose your friend?" Lucas asked nodding his head towards Georgia.

"Lucas, Georgia, Georgia, Lucas!" I said introducing them. They both said hi.

"You know I can give you life to the school and you can grab Alisha's car." Georgia said.

"Sounds good to me, Georgia where are your keys?" Lucas asked holding his hands out. I handed the keys to him and got back in Georgia's car. The ride consisted of Lucas and Georgia talking. I was looking out the window most of the way and noticed Marcel, he was sitting outside and looked afraid to walk inside. I wanted to give him a huge but didn't want people saying anything.

We dropped Lucas off he he drove away in my car, showing off. When we went back to mine mum was standing in front of the stairs with her arms crossed.

"Yes I know, but Lucas has it now!" I said walking to her.

"Jamie's not home so you to girls won't get disturbed." She smiled then walked into the kitchen. I laughed and Georgia followed me up the stairs and into my room.

"I thought your house was nice, but your room is just amazing!" Georgia said complimenting my room.

"Yea well since I'm the only girl, mum kind of just does everything, like this morning I left with boxes everywhere!" I said dumping my bag and siting on the bed. Georgia joined me.

"Let's talk about boys!"


"About Zayn, your lucky that kid likes you and your not even interested!" Georgia said.

"Because I know the sort of person he is and I'm not about to through myself at him!"

"You no, I think you would of liked him when Liam and Harry were around!"

"Who are Liam and Harry?"

"Well Liam was the most sweetest person you could ever no, there was no trouble or you'd have to deal with and for the first time everyone got only but 6 months ago tragic struck, Liam died in a car crash."

"Oh no, that's terrible!"

"Liam's best mate Harry disappeared just after he heard the news and everything's he went to rehab or killed himself but if you ask me it's rehab because he had serious problems, his twin brother Marcel always used to come to school with bruises, he was the only one that coped shit when Harry was around, Harry was your typical bad boy and only listen to Liam, see there were once five but now there is three and its quite sad when you know what's happened and see what's happening now, I think Zayn has become Harry, because Harry was always the one charming the ladies!"

"That's terrible, so now all the girls go for Zayn! If Harry was such a ladies man you'd think they'd makeover Marcel!" I joked.

"It's not funny but yea you could say that!" Georgia said. I thought about what I said an thought maybe that could happen, turn Marcel around and give Zayn a taste of his own medicine.

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