Chapter Thirteen

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(Marcel's P.O.V)

Have you ever loved someone so much you'd give an arm, no not the expression literally give an arm and you were their armour and you would do anything so no one would harm them, but what happens when karma turns right around and bites you and everything you stand for turns right around. (I know, Eminem lyrics). It had been a week since I woke up in a white room in the hospital. I had missed school and my dads funeral but Harry had said I didn't miss much, just our family being their usual selves. Yesterday was the first time I was able to leave my bed, I had a broken arm and a few broken ribs but that was nothing compared to Alisha, she still hasn't woken up and it was worrying me. The impact the car had may have caused a lot of damage to Alisha, she already had a broken arm, broken leg crushed ribs and according to the doctor brain damage but there is no real sign until she wakes up. Alisha is practically in a coma that could last a very long time. Just like yesterday I made my way to her room and sat alongside her bed, she looked so peaceful but with all Rhodes cuts and bruises I knew she wasn't. Alisha'a parents have come and gone all week and I've only had my mum come in once but Harry has come to check on me each day but I think he only comes to check out my nurse.

"I knew I'd find you in here!" I heard a sudden familiar voice. I turned and saw Harry, he had two Starbucks and a magazine.

"Hi-ii Haz!" I said. I have him a blank smile and shifted my attention back to Alisha.

"Any change?"

"Nothing, although I can leave tonight as long as you or mum sign me out."

"Sure thing buddy, do you want me to leave or?"

"Yea stay, I need someone to talk to."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yea sure, what is it?"

"You and Alisha, you seem pretty close right!"

"Yea you can say that!" I said. Memories of our last moments to get her then started flooding back to me.

"Are you like in love with her?"

"Well if what I fill is love then yea I guess so!"

"What's going to happen when she wakes up and turns out she's lost her memory?"

"Well that's my worst fear, but I'm hoping that wont happen because who says she go for me again?"

"C'mon bud, she rejected me for you, I'm sure if you do what ever you did again she fall for you!"

"What do you mean rejected you?"

"Well usually my charm works on anyone but that day when Zayn bashed you I was in the Nurse's office with her and I tried to hook it in but she didn't go for it, I thought she would have told you."

"No she didn't, we were both really shy about telling each other things until the day of the crash when things changed but maybe he would have!"

"What changed?" Harry smirked. I wasn't about to tell but he proberly already knew.

"Never mind, I just hope she wakes up sometime soon." I said. I was holding Alisha's hand and Harry muttered something but i ignored it. Many nurses came and went within the next few hours but when mum came in just after lunch she said she had come to take me home. I knew nothing would change during the night so i let mum take me home.

(Alisha's P.O.V)

It was dark almost like a dream but as i wondered my eyes around the unfamiliar room i found light. It was coming from the other side of the door. There was beeping beside my bed and then i realised i was in a hospital, but why? I tried to sit up but the more I moved the more my body ached. My hand was in some kind of cast and so was my leg. The most pain was coming from my ribs. What happened? I looked around at the machines and found a nurse button, I tried to reach to press it but it was no use. As I went to talk my mouth was dry and nothing would come out, it was like I was be captive and not being able to scream. I kept looking around to find something that would have people notice I'm awake. I had a needle in my arm and then some things attached to my chest so I decided to rip them off with my free hand and immediately the machine started beeping louder. The noise was hurting my head but within seconds 5 nurses came rushing in.

"Ms Scott, you've joined as again!" One nurse said, I just nodded my head.

"Can I get some water and can someone phone Dr. Jenkins!" Another nurse said. They all left my room and within a blink of an eye they were back. One had water and I took that like I hadn't had it for ever.

"Can you explain what happened and why I'm in here like this!" I asked when I was able to talk.

"Ms Scott you were in a car accident about a week ago with your boyfriend!" Did she just say boyfriend?

"Uh, I don't have a boyfriend!" I said confused.

"Uh, Ms we'll discuss this in the morning when Dr. Jenkins is here and we've phoned your mother so she'll be in first thing!" I just nodded so I wouldn't have to start an argument. I watched as they fiddled aroud with everything before they left. I had asked if i could have the tv on and the nurse said she'd figure somethig out. My room had a window that looked out towards the river which was not good at night time. The one thing that bothered me and i couldt wrap my head aroud was the boyfriend they said i had. The last boyfriend i had was Hamish but im sure i ended that and made it quite clear. When the came back i flipped through all the chanels but there was nothing on but an old kids movie. I turned the volume down and decided i should get soe shut eye before tomorrow.

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