Under a Bad Moon~*~Chapter 28 (I think)

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Recap: Austin is in prison for endangerment. Veronica ran away from home to find peace with herself. And Adrian, Veronica's brother, is now a known traitor. AAAANNNND GO. 

Chapter 28

{Veronica's POV}

            My new friends passed their time like stereotypical college students. I felt like I should've expected it but I hadn't. They spent a lot of time drinking and smoking and a few of them had flings. Then in instances of light they'd talk about bigger things like their majors or politics.

            I was the outcast there. I was along for the ride. I'd socialize and hang out with them. I'd smile and play along. But I didn't fit in.

            Maybe it was because of the struggles I'd endured over the last year that made me feel more mature than they acted. Maybe it was because they all knew each other so well but they knew nothing about me. I was just a passing ghost who they'd forget as soon as I was gone. And I didn't mind this one bit.

            I didn't want to be remembered, I don't think. I just wanted to be around people who didn't know who I was, what I'd done, or what I'd gone through. I wanted to be independent within a group setting.

            I loved being the ghost and I loved that they included me still.

            I hadn't decided what I was planning on doing after they returned to their private colleges and universities. I didn't even think about it often. But every now and then the thought would creep in and I'd wonder, "should I just go back home?" or "Should I keep going and go back when i know I'm better?" Sometimes I just juggled the options of "never go back" and "I can't fathom never seeing them again".

            I wasn't even sure of what this journey was. Was it one of self-discovery? Or was it a trip away from those close to me so I could recover? Discovery or recovery? Maybe both?

            Either way, I was getting better.

*                                                                 *                                                             *

            I got a job. As a cashier at a nearby small name grocery store. It kept me busy. It kept me from thinking too much. That was the best part, I think—not thinking. It was mindless, simple, easy, and, overall, just what I needed. It brought a small amount of money my way, which was definitely helpful. It helped me pay for the bare necessities while I was still staying with the college kids. 

            I had been checking out a lady I recognized as a regular when my co-worker Eric, came up to me. He patiently waited as I scanned and bagged all her items then told her the total. She paid and thanked me before she left. I turned to Eric. “Can I help you?”

            “Actually, yes! I was wondering if you’d help me straighten shelves. Please?” He cocked his head, batted his eyelashes, and clasped his hands together near his head. “Pretty please, Ronnie?” Eric was a six foot tall man-child, I swear. Of course, his big, baby blue eyes, fluffy hair, and pudgy cheeks that hadn’t quite sharpened with age didn’t help. He was cute though. I had to give the kid props, he knew how to use the puppy dog look well. Being only a few weeks younger than me, he had decided to stick to me and become my best friend at work. I was pretty sure he was gay, but I hadn’t asked and he hadn’t told, so it was never clarified.

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