Chapter 15: Ten Signs He's Cheating

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C H A P T E R  ( 1 5 )

Charlotte sat cross legged on her bedroom floor just knowing she had a silly smile on her face. She caught herself touching her mouth lightly with her hands and wanted to roll her eyes at herself. She was being lame. She knew that. She didn't care though.

Jumping up from her spot she opened her wardrobe and started rummaging through the boxes she'd neglected to unpack. She spotted a small wooden box, little red jewels lining the outside with a big antique looking lock on the front. Charlotte took the box and sat on her bed, locking her bedroom door as an afterthought she found the key in her bedside drawer, quickly opening the box and taking out what she was looking for.

A small flip phone.

Switching it on, Charlotte waited for it to boot up biting her lip. She always felt slightly guilty turning her secret phone on. She knew her mother and Chuck would kill her if they found out she had bought a random cheap phone and swapped the number with Stacy, her old friend from back home. But she wasn't an idiot, she kept it turned off at all times, only switching it on for a minute at most to send a quick text or read one.

Stace, I seriously wish you were here right now! Remember that annoying guy I told you about? Well long story short - he just kissed me! He said it was an apology for being such an ass... But who makes out with someone as an apology? Well we didn't really make out, it was more a lingering peck? Peck? Haha I'm rambling and writing you an essay. Love and miss you! xo

Charlotte smiled at her phone quickly shutting it off. She placed it back in the box, locking it and hiding it away again. The friends she'd made in Winchester were incredible, she couldn't have been more lucky living next door to Max and slotting into his group so easily. Even after the few hiccups with Eli. But she missed Stacy, and she knew how hard it had been on Stacy too. Poor Stacy had gone through all the same horrors as Charlotte, only she hadn't been able to escape it. She was stuck in the town, answering all the probing questions from their nosy town.

'So was that Eli?' Grace asked trying to keep a straight face as Charlotte joined them in the living room.

'Oh you mean the guy outside with me you were spying on? Yeah that was him,' she rolled her eyes picking up a magazine and flicking through it absent-mindedly. 

'I don't like him,' Chuck said and Charlotte glanced up at him in surprise.

'What? How come?  You don't know him.'

'Oh I know guys like him,' Chuck shook his head. 'I was a guy like him.'

Charlotte giggled catching Grace's eye in amusement.

'I bet he took you around the corner to make out, am I right?' Chuck didn't look impressed. 'I invented that guys moves.'

'Chuck!' Charlotte exclaimed feeling her cheeks blush bright red. This so wasn't the kind of conversation she wanted to be having right now. 'Not cool.'

Grace burst out laughing, 'Well I don't know how I feel about you making out with boys around the side of the house darling, but I am sorry for spying. And I'm sure Eli is a nice boy.'

Chuck made some kind of non committal grunt in his throat, Charlotte bit her lip smiling and focused on the article she had opened up on.


Charlotte frowned at the article, how fitting. She scanned it briefly with pursed lips deciding to skip over this one. Flicking through some make up tips and new hair styles she opened up on another article.

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