DT: Part 1 [Edited 4/11/11] (THE NEW PART1, read first!)

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UPDATE: 22.01.14: Everything in this "book" is the old versions of a story I was working on when a younger teen. I have since deserted nearly everything about this story except the characters and a few basic plot points. What I didn't desert, plus a whole bunch of newer points, is now being written under the title "The Blood of a Human, The Blood of a Dragon". You can find this on my profile, and I would suggest you read it first. Thank you. :)


Dedication goes to  xXForNarniaXx for finding all those actors for me! Thank you times a billion!

THIS IS THE  OLD VERSION! I have left this work up because of all the helpful comments and votes ;)

But please, until the new version is finished, or reaches this point in the plot, DON'T CONTINUE READING!

A link to the new version is in the description on the side, since links don't work here :)

Update! I've edited all the things you suggested guys! Plus a few little things I noticed! Yes, the catapult is clearer now xD

Update: I have noticed a few typos, and will fix soon :)

A/N To those of you who were reading this before 22/10/11, this is the NEW part one, the scenes BEFORE the originial opening. It affects none of the original story, it is a "backstory" of sorts. A scene before the scene. 

I felt it put more importance on the next few parts.

To new readers, continue on your merry way! This new part doesn't affect anything, it will merely hopefully create a greater reading experience. ^^

To everybody, look out for "edits". Especially on the old part 1 (now part 2). For now they will be minor, but I'm going back over things and doing some proof reading :)

OK! Begin!


Dragon's Tooth: Chapter One

The fading sun caught the last traces of the damaged, fleeing boats as it slipped beneath the horizon. Scattered out along the white shores, the smashed and burning hulls of the remainder of the Sulkranar’s fleet left a bitter reminder that the war was not won.

Beyond the shores, smoke poured into the darkening sky from the smouldering remains of the once bustling towns and lush woods and farm lands of Sayeke.   

Mingling with the putrid smoke, the stench of blood and gore rose from every battle field, scattered out far and wide across the country. Wavering shadows wandered aimlessly near the burning villages, the cries of desperate children searching for their parents drowning under the screams of mothers as they found the remains of their families.

Water laughed nervously somewhere from the creeks, hundreds of watery eyes blinking below the surface. The slowly spreading red stain drenched the water with the taste of blood till it was almost unbreathable. Suddenly the water splashed, the eyes gone.

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