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Luke's POV
Today is the day I get out of this hell hole or aka jail. I have been in here for like 10 years and now I will finally be free. "Mr. Hemmings!!" The attendant lady says as she walks past. "Yes?!?" I ask questioningly "Mr.Hemmings you and your boys will be set free today at 3:00pm." I smile at her. "Oh and you have a visitor!!" She quickly adds and runs off. I wonder who the visitor is? I think to myself, that is when I see her the girl I almost killed about 10 or so years ago. Wow she got pretty fast. "Hello Luke!!" She says "hi Sarah how are you?" I reply "well I have been pretty good I have two boys and a little girl at home with my husband Cole and they are all home playing Star Wars while I do this." She says smiling after saying it. "That is nice!!!" I reply with a fake smile. "Did you hear the great news?!?!?" I ask "No!!!" She says getting exited about the news. "The boys and I get set free today!!!!" I reply jumping up and down. She just stares "that's great!!!" She says through gritted teeth. I can tell she is not happy. "What time are you being released?" She asked trying to be happy for me. "At 3:00pm!!!" I say. She smiled and waved bye. It was 2:30 so I had a half hour till freedom. Ashton looked at me and
Said "what are you gonna do?? Kidnap her kids? Or some form of revenge?" I smile and say "you know maybe I will!"
"I am home!!!!" I yell
"Hello???!!!!!!!" I yell still nothing
I walk downstairs when I am grabbed from behind I scream thinking it was Luke Hemmings. I look behind me to see my husband Cole smiling like an idiot.
"Babe you scared me so bad!!! Also I have some bad news for you!!!" I say getting serious. Cole and I walk upstairs and I tell him everything. He just stares at me "WHAT?!?!?!?" He screams scaring the kids who were going upstairs to do their HW.
I calm them down and then Cole and I discussed what we were going to do knowing Luke would get revenge on us.

Kidnapped By The Texas CrewWhere stories live. Discover now