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I wake up in a hospital bed next to Dalton who is crying while Taylor is snap chatting someone and Cole is sitting there crying too. What is up with him he would normally be the one sitting next to me."hey beautiful!!" Dalton whispers to me. "Hey Dalton!! Why did you call me beautiful???" I ask in a whisper before he can respond Luke comes running in the room yelling "BACK OFF WHERE IS SHE I NEED HER NOW!!!!!!!!!" I hid behind Dalton whimpering in fear. Dalton yells at him "BACK AWAY YOU ALREADY HURT HER ONCE AND ALMOST KILLED HER YOU DON'T DESERVE HER AT ALL!!!!!!!!!" Luke backed off and left saying one last thing which scared me "She will be mine again and I don't care who I kill she will be mine again." I practically jumped into Dalton's arms. He held me close and whispered "I made a deal with Cole that if I helped save you I would get to date you. Will you go out with me?" I looked at Cole who was concerned and wide eyed. I looked back at Dalton and responded "yes Dalton I will." With that I fell asleep in his arms and we cuddled. I woke up back at the house in Dalton's arms. He is smiling at me.

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